Can we have more privacy in forums to feel more safe?

What is wrong with having privacy? This has become a standard across nearly every type of social forum.

What can you glen from my armory? Yea, nothing, we already have anonymous posting.

I posted some things and you just kinda conveniently ignored the one you couldn’t argue against


Nothing is wrong. Ongoing trend to demonize it as it would just destroy this forum and burn it to the ground.

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It’s a game.

It’s a forum for World of Warcraft, a game.

Once again, if you feel unsafe, get off the internet.

Nothing you do in WoW when it comes to your character needs to be private.


The fact you are repeatedly opening up more threads like this and calling out for personal attention from Blues, is enough for me to mute this thread, block you and hope that ACCOUNT WIDE IGNORE happens.


i dont agree with this assertion.

if there were anonymous posting on the wow forums, then people would have not even have a reason to assume that since they can’t see Nelfas or my posting name.

people would read the topic for what it is and there would be no more ad-hominem attacks against posters - the discussion would fully resolve around the topic at hand.

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And you have privacy by posting on a throw away alt.

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the only thing that should be demonized on these forums is posters making ad-hominem attacks against the poster rather than discussing the topic.

thank you. You can not silence the truth. And people still read “ignored” players posts regardless. So why put them on ignore?

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What’s wrong with having more privacy? Why is someone wanting to protect themselves bad?

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i dont agree with your assertation

people have shown the issues with full anonymous posting

thanks for your opinion


Those things aren’t private, according to Blizzard, who owns them.

Your real name, address, email address, gender, preference between hot dogs and pork chops, hair color, and current 401k balance, those things are private and will only be out there if you share them. None of those is given away by posting under Character-server or Btags to give you a persistent identity on the forum.

Girl, I’m still waiting for you to answer a lot of my questions that you’ve refused to.

The summary is that human nature is generally, when given anonymity and an audience, to abuse the lack of social consequences by acting out in ways that a person never would if people could tie their behavior to them as a person.


Same for me. This is no a good faith discussion. I smell alternative goals.

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more privacy is always a good thing.

personally i genuinely feel hesistant about even posting on the forums because of a certain group of people who run around and mass flag posts that disagree with them.

additionally, i make sure to not post on any character that they could find me playing in game because i don’t want their behavior to disturb my game play.

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They do tend to just ignore anything that points out the very obviously flaws with their comments

But that’d ruin their agreeing with themself, so may as well ignore that


Mostly they wanna hide from responsibility of their actions, it’s not about protecting themselves, it’s to cover their behinds when things go south.


maybe i did actually missed something? Not on purpose did not answered. But you tried to mock people who like these ideas, while not giving FAIR short summary about those who are against.

Nelfas’s favorite trick yet again - only quote part of what you said, and then pretend you didn’t say anything else.


what about the people on the forum who mass flag posts simply because they are written by someone who disagrees with them?

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Hot dogs are great but they give me heartburn.

Pork chops are great only if they are battered and fried so they have crispy skin on them c:

Oh shoot, my privacy has been invaded by giving this information!