Can we have more privacy in forums to feel more safe?

We’re already anonymous, that’s the thing. Unless she’s a night elf in real life and you’re a vulpera in real life, no one knows who we are.

If they truly wanted anonymous posting, they would be happy. But no, they want to be able to say whatever they please without having it associated with their character(s) to avoid accountability.


Only, you say? I am not confident that you have access to the tools which provide sufficient resources to make such a claim.


Oh no it doesn’t. Where in the world did you come up with that idea? That is one of the most asinine statements that I have ever heard.


False. We need an active sub to be able to post in forums. We already have forum rules and active mods. Anonymous posting would benefit those who seeek a little bit more privacy then we have now. Nothing would change about accountability for your actions that violated CoC.

So looking up someones transmog details on the armory is harassment?

Anonymous posting on the Blizzard forums is a windmill. Not gonna happen no matter how many time you charge at it with a lance.


It is not, but bringing characters information into forums and linking it to a poster is exactly a reason why players seek more privacy.

If someone needs to check players armory and post history first before validating an opinion then it is a problem.

If someones making a claim that for example

Frost DKs are super overpowered in mythics and need to be nerfed, and it turns out the highest key the’ve ever done is a 2

Kinda means their input is literally less valuable on the subject, so nah it 100% has a point


or he just posted from an alt?

Maybe for you, most people are not bothered by it except the trolls that think they can say anything and not get clapped back for it.


You are already anonymous.

You are already private.

Is Nelfas your real name? Are you a night elf in real life? Are you a hunter? Are you even female?

No one knows because you are anonymous already. No one knows a single thing about you. Your privacy is not being violated.

And no, your armory and post history are NOT private information.


So you’re saying we need some kind of way to track alts to prevent this?

Also achievements are account wide, so them having no achievements regarding mythics still verifys their input isn’t valuable


Nothing posted on this forum is important enough to be checking armories or worrying if it’s someone’s alt.

It’s a place to chat about the video game we have in common. Don’t stress yourselves out taking it too seriously.


Google “John Gabriel’s Greater Internet Theory”. I can’t post it here because it contains spicy words, but it summarizes many studies about human nature from the 1960s to the present day in one succinct image. That’s our argument.

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i am not. You can see my characters name, realm, armory, post history, even though i opted my profile to be private.

So what is wrong with having more ways to have privacy?

i am still waiting a short summary about those who are against this topic, please? Because you did one about those who like this idea with a great enthusiam. That would be fair.

If you’re being harassed so much that you feel the only recourse is the witness protection program chances are the problem isn’t the forums :dracthyr_tea:


None of which is private information. It’s owned by blizzard. You have no rights to them.

Please google what private information is because you clearly don’t know.


blizzard already implemented a lot of functions for privacy. Extending those functions a bit more would be great for those who seek more of it, like me.

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Gonna quote the Paladin or whatever toon they are on right now.

“Not gonna happen. I did extensive studies and my conclusion is the system is fine”.

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