Can we have more privacy in forums to feel more safe?

We have talked about it, the OP and you just seem to coincidentally ignore anything that shows flaws with it


Need me to spread some around for ya?

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fake reporting is a thing. around 10 people keeps lurking here like vultures and fake flagging anything they do not like.

i never said that.


It is actually explained very well in first post, isn’t?

it is up to you.

does not look like that. It was like: we attacked OP for his opinion, because x reasons, and if OP tried to discuss and show disagrement , we flagged his posts because, our “rules” applies only for OP not us.

Here’s the (current) map for their arguments. Note that this shifts over time either when they get bored or it gets to be so obvious that they’re spam-trolling that even they recognize that they need to switch it up a little:

  • We should have anonymous posting on the forums.
  • Why?
  • Because if you’re anonymous you’re safe from harassment because no one knows who you are.
  • How does that provide protection from harassment?
  • No one can look up your armory or your other posts so they will be polite and nice.
  • That’s not how human nature works. People will be more ugly to each other if there is no accountability by way of the social consequences of gaining a reputation for trolling, harassing and being awful to people.
  • No everyone will be perfect and nice and the sky will rain with candy.
  • So all of the trolling and harassment that we have already with the anonymity that we already have, that’s going to go away…somehow?
  • Yes.
  • How?
  • Because everyone will be anonymous and will be polite and respectful to each other.
  • You can’t back up an assertion with the assertion itself. What kind of information do you have that makes you think that will be the case?
  • I think you’re right, person from two posts ago, everyone will be polite and respectful and also your hair smells like sunshine.
  • So you’re just going to avoid the question?
  • Anonymous posting is best for the forums so that no one can harass each other.
  • I agree with what you said just now, that would be best.

I swear it’s like trying to fill a bucket with dry sand with a rake. I can totally see why this topic needed to be allowed to keep going :roll_eyes:


No it wouldn’t, it would only cause it to be worse. Just think about amount of people who already think that you and OP are the same person. And that’s even with Vrak saying otherwise. Now let’s put anonymous posting. No one would get a post for civil conversation going. Because it would almost certainly degrade into everyone accusing everyone of being someone else. Or even worse. You’re solution isn’t a solution. It’s just a way to cause more chaos.


Yea exactly like that, thanks for the example


I Disagree with hiding armoury or anonymous posting.


if noone can look up for your armory, track other characters, then their harassment has no meaning. because they do not know who my character is, - i am.

thank you that’s not exactly like this.

Could you do now a short summary about those who are against, would be fair.

Yep, and being anonymous will not stop that. It would only exasperate it. How in your mind does being anonymous stop that from happening?


The fact its been proven to make environments much more hostile and toxic when full anonymity is given

The fact you can just classic character post if you don’t want people to see your armory exists for w/e weird reason


we already have option to set armory private , but it is not fully utilized to fully hide it.

Here is just one of the times you said I’m lying. The rest were conveniently deleted with the other threads.


I don’t understand why it even can be private in the first place.

Not to mention that there have been many, many posts explaining that flagged posts do not automatically get actioned. I’ve had some of my own posts flagged and then restored several times.

The only reason to worry about your posts being flagged is because there’s something in them which mods will determine as breaking the forum code of conduct. And then, the problem is what IT experts refer to as PEBCAK.

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Ohh, you would still be harassed. Actual harassment. People will have the ability to pretend to be anyone from the game. Say horrible things that you did or didn’t do. And we as a community would have no way to prove or disprove those comments. Because hey. We are anonymous.


thank you, but i do not play classic WoW. I did played when it was a current expansion. 2004.

i did not mentioned your name specific, let’s be honest here? “People tend to lie”.

You literally replied to my post and said:

How is that not saying it directly to me? And “people tend to lie” includes you, as well. If you refuse to believe anyone, why should we believe you?


See remember where I said

and you just ignored

Like come on man


Well i will be honest here. harassment only comes from those who keep checking players profile, their forums posts etc.

Can we relax? I never said you lied. While you making up things again.

Yes, i have doubts about that, but it does not mean that you actually lied and it is not true.

Anonymous posting is never, ever going to happen. Blizz is trending far more in favor of making it easier to hold people to the CoC, not less. This whole thing is a non-issue. :dracthyr_love_animated: