Can we have more privacy in forums to feel more safe?

Are you that one night elf who made threads about this for like 2 years straight? :stuck_out_tongue:


This is yet another thread saying the same thing. If you want privacy, you should be on a private forum. For a public forum to function it’s necessary to have a certain amount of transparency. You have total control over your information. You are not being forced to post here. Blizzard has direct and private methods of sending in comments, reporting bugs, sending in suggestions and asking questions.

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There once was a tauren named Baine
As a leader he’s useless and lame
He’s constantly whining
there is no denying
this character drives me insane


Hey that ain’t the same version I heard.




Well, you’ll have to wait for anonymous posting. I’ll go ahead and bap myself though
:newspaper_roll: phara


To be fair, I feel like the writers didn’t know what to do with any character who had like, basic compassion and was generally just a good person with a level head for a while, because if those characters were listened to and effective they would instantly undo the flimsy justifications that they kept putting in for the traditional expansion-launch reignition of the faction divide so that it could later be a big “everyone comes together to fight the bigger threat in the end” story moment.

Seeing him finally be allowed to get angry in the centaur storyline was cool. On the OTHER other hand, it’d really be neat if they had any kind of story beat for compassionate characters than “the world finally breaks them and they snap and go nuts”.


You know me. :slight_smile: But i am not that night elf.

Yes, but we already have option to hide armory in these forums, yet it is not fully utilized, because people can go check armory from external WoW site.

If i chose an option to hide armory, hide my profile, there should not be “work around” to check my post history or armory.

As i said, anonymous usernames, or just anonymous race specific usernames could be generated by blizzard like they did something similar in overwatch2 just in-game. It would just be a difference for players, but not blizzard , since they always have all information about us anyway.

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No, you are wrong…

Go here…

Use the magnifying glass at the top of the page. All you need is the name and server. That’s all done inside Blizzard’s domain.

Same goes for searching post history.
had to change it as some people tend to get a bit nasty when called out.

It’s not a “work around”. Just shows you don’t know the tools available to you.


Did you guys know that a leopard can carry around twice its body weight up a tree?

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i would like to see posts about propane and propane accessories.

throwing all the phones out all the windows.

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i am actually flabbergasted. You did actualy read my posts after stating that i am on ignore. As i mentioned in other topic, people still read ignored messages, so why ignore poster if you still read it? Just, a rethorical question.

I meant, that you can still access that information even when you mark your profile to be private. If i marked in forums that i wish my profile to be private, it should be that private that people could not even check it in other ways.

I would like to state, that i do not flag posters, like they doing constantly about my posts. But i wish i could really hide my forum characters armory and name.

People from game searching in armory - no problem.

People should use a tip which is from WoW loading screen, “A little Kindness goes a long way”.

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i disagree

thanks for your opinion


i saw that your OP was flagged again last night - even though there is a moderation note on it that expressly states this thread was re-opened.

it seems to me that people are targetting you to flag your posts personally; this is a problem that could be solved with anonymous posting. People wouldn’t see who the poster is, so they would read the post for what it is rather than just auto-flag it because they don’t like the poster.

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Who said I have to be kind to you. Put me on ignore, and be done with it.

i am sorry, not going to happen. I do not have anyone on ignore in forums and in-game. Well i did few ignores from trade chat because people were spamming services with real life currency. Yet now, not a isngle ignore since a long time ago.

Looks like this, but also there are people squad that keeps fake flagging posts that they do not agree with.

Are you under the impression that people will not flag a post that they feel violate CoC or even flagging the posts that they don’t like just because someone is anonymous?


Vrak said it best, People can flag for what ever reason they want, it only becomes and issue if they swapping alts to flag a person.

Also, if the post is removed, it’s not a false flag.


You called me a liar even when I offered proof and said that someone telling me to off myself is an OPINION and that I’m the rude one for blocking them.

Practice what you preach.


OP was not removed.