Can we have more privacy in forums to feel more safe?

Have you tried making it rhyme? Then it would be tasteful, AND you could call yourself a poet.


No anonymous posting.

Don’t lie about your achievements/experience/etc., period, and negate the “winning” someone claims from looking up your armory.

I think putting someone on Ignore on your bnet account should automatically block them on the forums. The board Blizzard uses now, unfortunately won’t allow for that.


Guys just stop please.

I am sitting in my car and this discussion is making me fear for my life.

I constantly drive by people who look at me, and I think to myself oh noes this is the guy bullying me on the wow forums…. He must be following me, how did he get ahead of me… never mind that logic.

Crisis averted he took the off ramp.

Yes please blizzard find a way to make your forums and game less threatening

Um, if you’re driving, it would be better not to pay attention to the phone. If you’re the passenger, just put your phone away.


I think they are being sarcastic.



And if in the back seat, just throw the phone out the window.

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clutches nose


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With all the advancements in AI, why can’t we have forums where everything is filtered to ensure that you never see anything that offends or disagrees with anything you post?

I personally don’t feel safe and welcome whenever someone replies to my posts with anything other than “you are so awesome and kewl” along with at least 100 likes.

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My bad, it wouldn’t work properly. I was trying to throw it AT the window but I forgot it was open :')

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Odd request but I quoted what you said there to aline with that.

A chat filter would be interesting though.


God, that would be horror fuel.

“This message was created by an AI: Good Job!”


Honestly that just sounds like something that happened with my Tauren one time when I was trying to see mats on her. That is one of the few times when, “What is the worst that could happen”, was not a good idea. None of what was asked of me to do was on my bingo card.

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Not necessary. We’re all already posting under fake names. And if the worry is someone will follow you into the game to harass you (never happened to me in the history of the game but whatevs), make a forum alt you don’t play on a totally different server. I think they only have to be like level 10, right?

Not against it. I wouldn’t use the option because in the whole history of the game I’ve had people respond to me based on my armory stats like, I dunno, twice? It doesn’t seem that common. But if someone wanted to hide armory that’s fine. I think you can already, can’t you?

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So to recap.

OP keeps making these threads without ever explaining how the current system is not working. Or how the suggested system would give a benefit not currently available


The benefit is clearly “I want this and everyone who doesn’t is wrong” c:

Honestly, Aki, keep up.


Many times on here, I deflect some discussions with attempts at humor, but I’ll bite seriously this time

My problem with anonymous posting is that it by its nature gives people with hate in their hearts an open platform to let that hate spill out. Yes, maybe we could still report said posts, and maybe the mods could action them. However, right now there’s another incentive beyond suspension to not post hate or trolling posts and threads: the public scrutiny and anger from your fellow forum-goers. If a post is anonymous, then, even if someone is punished by the moderation team for a trolling, hateful, real-life-threatening, spam, etc. post, that someone is avoiding the social stigma that comes with saying terrible things to others and breaking perceived social etiquette.

There’s already enough hate and vitriol spread around the forums as it is, and to allow more in the name of free-er speech or protection from the stress that may be caused because anonymous-posing supports don’t want to face their peers’ disappointment ire as themselves. Myself, I worry about posting about kind and positive posts and leave much of what I would like to post on here and elsewhere because of anxiety around some irrational fear of being ostracized for posting caring posts, yet I don’t want some kind of anonymous posting functionality even though it may allow me to be nicer and post positive things that I don’t now to not make myself and other uncomfortable. I think the bad, terrible, hateful uses of anonymous posting by far outweigh any positives that could come from it.


You’re harassing the MVPs.


Callouts are also against the CoC, but she didn’t hesitate to name drop said MVPs who are “disrespectful.” :eyes:


“Dragula” is the only Rob Zombie song I know. It’s the only Rob Zombie song we need to know.

Let’s suggest a compromise to the OP:

We can have anonymous posting only if we get Likes and Dislikes back.

I like living dead girl too and quite a few others.

But yeah the Munster car that they had Dragula was a coffin in the old TV show. Was great.

Found this on google. Great picture of the family car on left and the Dragula car on the right.