Can we have more privacy in forums to feel more safe?

Personally I can’t agree with the op.

  1. Anonymous posting, besides the obvious trolling, leaves no room for accountability.

  2. Fully hide your armory: no, again this falls back on accountability and oh my gosh, transmog!


I did post a metric ton of Garrosh threads back then as well, even talked about killing alliance at the raid entrance to fight for the true warchief

Best part was, it wasn’t badly written either, like the person clearly had written things in the past and went at it

I just tested it the other day. Unfortunately it does still seem to be a thing, that if you ignore someone who’s either on your server or another server, and they switch to another off-server alt (unlinked servers in my test), they can still contact you.

I tested with Moon Guard A ignoring Wyrmrest Accord B1
I switched to Wyrmrest Accord B2 and whispered Moon Guard A and the message went through :expressionless:

I posted it to the Bug Report forum.


Again with the vampire stuff. Moves away from Fuzzbutt…

just put a random forum name or make our own and still have yourself able to switch characters for tmogs or w/e.

theres nothing wrong w/ armoury posting except on how its used.
i think call outs need to stop for real though. i have yet to see any reason
for another person to go linking alts of ppl on here unless it was a call out and
used for harassment or warning people or some other nonsense.

Username: P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney NSW

Ugh, Why do I still have that stuck in my head, despite it has been now a couple of weeks since I last watched Finding Nemo?

How do you feel the current forums dont with their current options?

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It’s after the car / Rob Zombie song!

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If you are demanding “facts” from us, you and Madelke should be able to provide the facts for this question sent to both of you:


There are plenty of examples of forums, discussion web pages, and games where abuse/trolling is worse or has increased if people have complete anonymity. This has been clearly documented and is well known.

Do you have any facts that prove of examples where complete anonymity makes people less likely to troll or be abusive? Are there instances where people are more friendly?


I asked them what kind of stuff they would like to post while anon and they never answered my question (that or I didn’t see it if they did).


Putting aside for a second the fact that I asked several detailed questions to give you guys a platform to lay out the reasoned, sound and as-of-yet unexplored explanations and discussions that you insisted that you had that necessitated this specific thread being reopened and in response you’ve cut out one part of one question to respond to…

I do, in fact, look and see if new characters that I encounter are played by a handful of people that I’d rather not interact with. Roleplay servers are one of the last places where there’s a real “community” of note with the same persistent people in it who need to maintain a reputation with others to get people to interact with them and go along with their silly storytelling games. There are a few people that I would like to not encounter again with reasons ranging from because I just didn’t get along with them or enjoy their writing and storytelling style that would hardly necessitate an ignore, to harassment and abuse that would but is circumvented by people dedicated enough to trying to sneak back into the community to spin up a new account.

The revolving door of people leaving the community because of unsavory behavior and then returning under new characters and hoping no one notices has a decently high spin rate in a RP server, and the reasons that people should generally stay aware of who they’re interacting with are more pressing when it comes to parasocial interactions like RP than it does for people who are like, kicked out of a guild for low DPS or something. RP relies on people having healthy IC/OOC boundaries and being on a fairly even emotional keel and when things go bad, they go super bad.

So, yes. Long story short, yes I do check to see who I’m dealing with when it comes to people in the game. YMMV.


I don’t know about those actually asking for anonymous-posting abilities, but I for one will be posting lots of limericks concerning Baine Bloodhoof. :wink:

And, if no one likes that, too bad since we lack account-wide ignores. :frowning_face:


Sorry was working.

Golly gee I wonder who this is XD

Oh I would be posting stuff that would just make people go what did I just read?

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Are they “dirty” limericks?


Now wait a minute… this anon thing may not sound like a bad thing if we can post our raunchy fan fiction.


Hmm… Will it be tasteful though?

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Absolutely not.


In that case. Yeah, you may want to join the anon side. If it was tasteful I’d say go for it! :joy:

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Oh it would involve a certain V word that I would be posting it purely to make people go “oh lord have mercy why?!”