Can we have more privacy in forums to feel more safe?

Yes. orcs and trolls and other ugly races in horde hate blood elves, void elves, and high elves, and everyone else except their race.

And yes, you are being attacked if you ask for playable high elves such as silver covenant high elves.

I generally make jokes of “eeeew elves!” or “No more elves!” That or setting the tree on fire again. LET ME BURN THAT TREE!

So if you see that from me, it isn’t at all to be mean or anything. It’s 100% to be goofy. I could honestly care less. If people want elves.

I think though they should be neutral race though that should be either side with druid in there cause… well druids. Love druids.


How does your idea of anonymous posting differ from the anonymous posting I’m doing with the character?

No armory, no achievement points or level since is a low level classic alt.

If you want to have a real discussion on this topic, you need to respond to questions other than just say “I think it would be a good idea”.


Right. IN GAME they have a streamer feature.

The OW forums post by Battletag. Just like every other Blizzard forum. Only this forum allows you to make anonymous level 10 classic alts infinitely so that you can pretend to be different people posting.

You want the most anonymous of the forums to be even more anonymous. After proving there is no threat to your real life safety, and apparently nobody bothers you in game either.

If you don’t like that people remember you, and your posting history, don’t post. I am sorry but hiding even a basic made up user name only leads to worse behavior, as has been cited in study after study and was already discussed in this thread.

You won’t be getting 4chan anon posting formatting.


It if very personal for every Night elf lover like me. I still mourn about that. Teldrassil and Darnassus were special to me since beginning.

Also, i can feel a different presence from you. I am thankful.

as i said multiple times in every single reply about that, yes it is in-game. As i said ?

Because it is MMORPG forums, i have a zero trouble if people switch to other characters to express their opinions and thoughts.

Yes thank you. if you do not like topic you can also not post in it. I do not need to be berated or mocked, ridiculed by X, Y just because i and we want more privacy.

I for one want less secrecy and more harassment with the added benefits of creepy stalkers! I fully advocate for the RealID solution that was discarded by Blizzard in 2010. Our full name, date of birth, address, high school transcripts, credit score, and grub hub ordering habits should be readily available to anyone on these forums! /s

or just make everyone post as their Bnet. It’s not like you are engaging in roleplaying your in-game character on the forums, unless you in-game character is a level 10 forum troll.

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i agree this is a bad idea for the forums


Streamer mode, to stop stream sniping. You do know what Streamer Mode is, and how it works?


I like the topic just fine. It is a great place for me to express my opinion. My opinion just happens to be the opposite of yours. Stating facts is not “berating” people.

You have already made it clear you have full privacy and safety. What you want is to be able to ditch the MMO aspect of characters, and post with zero static identity. So that people don’t remember that yesterday you were pro-class change, and today you are against the same class change (Example only). That is the opposite goal of a community forum that is supposed to build ties, build community, and share information.

Right? This is the other horrible extreme.

Full real ID OR full anon are both extremes and both very very destructive to community for different reasons. The first is more dangerous for privacy as well, obviously.


As a person who makes a lot of grammatical mistakes, are you sure you want us to berate, mock, or ridicule you for wanting more privacy?


No we’re not. As one member of the High Elf community, I would love to see a seperate playable race of High Elves from the SC. But as time moved on, this topic has pretty much died, ever since both the Blood Elves and Void Elves got High Elven customizations. The community at larged moved on, myself included, and the only people that remained are the ones who prefer to troll and spam the forums with a topic that is pretty much dead.

People aren’t attacking the High Elf community, it is a couple who still prefer to spam after the dead horse turned into dust particles. It is time to let the dead horse rest in peace. It can not be beaten any further.


You’ve stated that “the purpose of discussion in forums is to exchange ideas, share experiences and engage in meaningful conversations”. Telling people to be quiet because they disagree with you doesn’t exactly help with that.

Mirasol hasn’t done any of that; in fact, she seems very polite and restrained. Disagreement =/= berating/mocking/ridiculing.


Did I forget what I said? Are you Referring to this?

If so. No I did not forget. I do advocate for the use of Battletag posting. It doesn’t have to be linked to the name of the Battletag itself. Just the posting history and reputation of that battletag be available for the community.

And yes, I did suggest to someone that they make a level ten alt for posting, presently that is a tool that we have. I would be neglectful and honestly a little dishonest if I just acted as if it doesn’t exist. I don’t like it, but it does. And if someone is honestly that concerned about being harassed. That is a option they have at the moment.

As stated before. We have many tools which can be used, right now. People need to use those tools.

Yes i do, that would work well in these forums too. Like i mentioned in other topic, option toh ide your name.

Your opinion is not a “fact”, let’s start there.

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Has op ever once outlined how current options to post lack privacy?


The only thing I’ve seen is a complaint about websites like check-pvp but there are ways to not have your characters show up on there as far as I can tell none of mine show up so it shouldn’t be hard to figure that out.

i would like to add my daily support for a forum system that helps to protect privacy.

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You do know what stream sniping is.

Stream sniping is when an online gamer exploits the livestream of a person they’re playing against in an abusive, advantageous, or annoying way.

This doesn’t hold much weight to the entire “privacy” argument that you’re trying to claim for the WoW forums.


Nope, because they are so more into the whole “anonymous” posting they want to invade others privacy rather than work towards mroe privacy.

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you don’t have to be a streamer to use that mode in Overwatch 2 - everyone is free to use it whenever they choose.

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