Can we have more privacy in forums to feel more safe?

You have account wide ignores in-game

thats… what you do though

Actually it isn’t account wide like it’s supposed to be. It’s currently bugged.

There was a big post about it in the other thread let me see if I can find it…

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Oof, they need to fix that then :frowning:


Yeah someone tested it with their accounts and found out their second account was able to whisper still if they swapped realms, which if they were on the same realm it worked (meaning the ignore worked).

But swapping realms it stopped working and I know it used to work cross realm.

Bare with me I’m trying to find it.



I found it. It took a minute.

That right there needs massively fixed.


nods nods

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well people in game don’t ever use the armory to like check people’s achievements or anything like that.

for raiding, people look up logs on warcraftlogs: this website does not even give people an option to link mains to alts, nor does it give anyone the tools needed to find alts.

for mythic plus, people will look up your profile on raider io: this page will never link a person’s alts to their main UNLESS the person actively makes an account and links their bnet and checks the box that allows them to be linked (even then, you can’t really find alts of a person’s main - it doesn’t go backwards).

on raider io, a player can look at a character (if that character is linked to a main) they can only see the main.

if they click the link to the main, there is no backwards links to all of their alts - so that’s limited as well… even if someone chooses to show their main, no one can see their alts.

now, we have check-pvp which does automatically link all mains to all alts (if all the characters have been searched before)… if none of the characters have been searched on the site, then they have no info to link the characters.

BUT on check-pvp, anyone can make an account quickly and set it up to hide every character on their bnet so that none of the alts are shown whatsoever.

so there are currently options for players to hide their alts from the three major sites where in-game players attempt to link characters together.

checking an actual armory is not something that in-game players have done since like before cata.

checking an armory for pets and mount collections to link mains to alts is really only something that happens on the forums - so removing the ability to show a person’s armory while they are on the forums would not hinder the WoW gameplay experience in any way and it would make the WoW forum experience a lot better.

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If someone messages you in the game and you don’t wish to further the conversation. You can ignore them. And if then if they circumvent the ignore by using an alt character or account and even if they have their friends message you. You report that person for harassment and do not engage with them at all. Just report them for harassment and move on. Allow the GMs to do their job.

Also if they continue to do so after that, you report them for further harassment.

We, as players have the tools at our hands to prevent harassment. And we need to use those tools. Just as we have tools on the forums to prevent anyone from harassing us. We can ignore players and can report people who are actually harassing us.


That brings up a point too. What if it was the other way around?

Like someone in game knew someone else posted on the forum so they made an anon post calling them out (which call outs are already against the rules) but since it’s anon how could they further add that to the GM tickets that they already have made?

Cause it’s anon. Technically if it isn’t tied to anything blizz could say “well we don’t know who it was and we aren’t getting involved” which could lead to another hill of beans. They should know who it is but idk… it be complicated.


And absolutely hilarious.

Vastly increased trolling and vitriol and loss of community with no oversight is not my idea of better.


Under good faith I’m going to assume that the initial argument allows Blizzard to know who every poster is. And we would only be anonymous to each other.

How ever your argument still holds merit in my opinion. Because there would be nothing to truly stop anyone from masquerading as someone else to soil their reputation.

Complaint about a guild? A person could easily say. Yep I’m an officer of that guild and this how we do what ever horrible thing there is.

The mods are already stretched too thin and to police such things would be asking too much. Could you imagine if they had to read every post to make sure such things didn’t happen?

And it may not happen too often. But it would happen.

In this example. At least with seeing the poster it is easy to see their guild to add some creditability.


Whelp Doob, I gave you a chance that you were willing to have a serious discussion on this topic in particular that was so urgent and you had such salient points that were being repressed that this specific topic needed to be reopened, but I see that you’re back to your schtick of avoiding providing any of the information or clarification that people are asking for in favor of quoting old posts to say the same stuff over and over.

Into the bin with you!


but why should i put myself through the bad situation of communicating with a negative person from the forums via in-game chat when anonymous posting would completely prevent that full stop?

why do you need to see a poster’s in-game information such as guild name in order to validate their post?

i feel like a person’s in-game information has zero bearing on the credibility of their posts - and you just provided an example why the OP has suggested anonymous posting.

people from the forums looking up in-game information such as guilds and such - what do they plan to do with the name of their guild? why do they need it?

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No one is asking you to, the opposite even. Put them on ignore.

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but they contact me and i have to read their harrassment message before i can place them on ignore - a system of full anonymous posting would prevent that at the source and not even give them the opportunity to contact me in-game.

personally, it would be best if they werent able to contact me in game at all in the first place.

I stick people on ignore all the time. What it’s there for.


but wouldn’t it be a better situation if those people didn’t have the opportunity to contact you in-game in the first place?

If I’m anonymous I could easily come into the forums in general and easily say “I’m Madelke from Monnoroth. And I love Carrots and everyone here are just dummies and there is nothing you can do about it.”

Now, think of all those intelligent carrot hating people who I just upset under your characters identity. Of course, when they message you in game, you could deny it. But they won’t believe you, and when you deny it more, the more they won’t believe you.

But I’m safe, because I had no accountability for my actions. Because I was anonymous. And your reputation is now a carrot lover who calls people dummies. Sure blizz will delete my post eventually. But the damage was done.