Can we have more privacy in forums to feel more safe?

May I ask what inspires this new found confidence?

lots of people on this forum like to use the armory to compare pet and mount collections of different posters in order to determine who has that alt.

i think it would be better to not allow people to do that.

people really do need to understand that WoW is different from every other blizzard game (and the forums) because WoW is an MMORPG with a shared world, a world that all forum users inhabit (because we all must pay a subscription fee to be able to post on these forums).

some players would like their forum identity kept separate from their in-game identity and character so that they can leave their forum discussions on the forum and not have to worry about being contacted in game by someone who disagrees with them on the forums.

i think it is a quite reasonable request for me to ask that my forum identity be kept separate from my in-game identity mainly because when i play WoW, i want to enjoy the game with my friends and guildmates - i don’t want people coming to contact me in-game (or even worse, contacting my friends and guild mates) simply because we had a disagreement on the forums.

so in that respect, i do feel as though a system of anonymous posting would allow me to feel more comfortable posting on the WoW forums.

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@OP: option 3 already exists: be nice to other people. Report offensive or trolling post and let the moderator deal with it. The trolls will give up and crawl back under the bridge where they belongs when they get entire account banned from the forum.


this really isn’t a question of “being nice” or “being not nice.” it is more a question of being able to share one’s opinions without worrying that someone who disagrees may decide to bring the disagreement to your other characters within the game or our shared MMO world within WoW.

I have some questions that gosh I’d love to have answers to:

  • Why do you feel like it’s important to the forums that people not be able to know that they’re talking to the same person? Why specifically?
  • Do you feel like it helps the forums and communication between people here when people are able to come into a thread and pretend to be a different person who supports an idea to inflate the perceived number of people who agree with it? And why?
  • How do you envision “anonymous” posting working and looking, given that the way that you’ve described it seems to align with posting under your ID instead of under a character account? This would seem to conflict with Nelfas’s idea that she enjoys posting as her character and “roleplaying” out how her Night Elf persona would engage with the forums if they were able to get online in the modern day and comment on things like Overwatch, forum rules and playable races in the Warcraft game.
  • Do you feel that it’s never appropriate for people to form opinions on the behavior of others based on their demonstrated behavior and their own words? Explain your rationale.

No? Nothing? So you’d like privacy but you’re perfectly fine with the lack of privacy we have now when it suits you?

Goooot it. Kind of a gross mindset but you do you.


This part is IS one of the flaws of the character-server posting setup + WoW having a very outdated friend and communication system in-game.

Anyone can add you to their friends list in-game, see if you name change, see your location, message you/mail you (once anyway) without your permission. You can stop the communications after the fact with Ignore, but you can’t prevent it.

Battletags actually prevent all that. They are a made up nickname you use (and can change). Nobody can message you without first sending you a friend request. A request that you can decline and BLOCK with one button. You can not be found in-game, added to a friends list in game, followed around in game, or tracked.

Our characters are already anonymous in the real world sense - that we don’t use our real life information. Your Battletag is also anonymous in that sense and prevents anyone from bothering you in-game, or out of game, for any reason.

There are extremes here and most people do not want either of them. Posting with a real life name is just as bad as having every post listed as “anon12345billion” and having no static forum presence. Totally anon generating new tags all the time totally defeats even the concept of an MMO game or forum.

Totally anon is the realm of 4chan and that is what this thread asks for, as far as I can tell. That is why so many people disagree with that suggestion. It makes things worse, not better.


Let me put it to you like this simply. If i say i were a black belt and therefore, it allows me to talk about karate and what i think of it, you obviously want to see it. If i were trying to prevent you any way to see said black belt, you ovbiously wouldn’t believe me. And rightfuly so.

Now obviously, the black belt is just an analogy here used to describe people talking about things like M+, Rating, etc, while claiming to be pretty high rank. Because that is used to lend itself to credibility. Esp if you’re going to play with them.

I just think people are too quick to want people to just trust them on their words. But that’s just me observing.

The evidence to support the claim?..


People here (for some reason) really like to claim they are mythic raiders, or give takes about mythic raids as if they were an authority on the topic.

Now, if their profile says they’ve never killed a mythic raid boss outside of a transmog run, that tends to undercut their credibility on said topic.


I think it would be better if people weren’t in a position to give a flase impression of the validity of their arguments by sockpuppeting their Alts.

Which Btags would handle rather effectively.


Honestly, can Vrakthis just come in and tell us all that we can click the little arrow buttons to see the rest of the quote they are responding to?

Cause honestly, we can all tell OP this, but they wouldn’t want to accept it and i’m only thinking they want to hear it from the mods themselves.

I mean, Vrak did pretty explicitly say that editing a quote to fix or translate it is totally ok.

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Ik but
 seeing the whole “Oh you misquoted me” when all i did is directly quote her with more of the person they are responding to get the full context (While their also telling me to get the full context) just outright makes my head hurt.

It’s been going on for like 17 days, and i’m just tired of telling her it’s not.

If OP can’t listen from us, then i think a mod should step in and tell her that.

Now seeing that this thread is opened back up again after getting some scrubbing, I think anon posting wouldn’t be helpful at all due to what I posted earlier.

If there was a means of limiting anon posting and or it be even more heavily modded I feel as though that wouldn’t help.

The US forums and EU forums are night and day on the amount of trolling and posting etc that goes on. Over there it’s fairly tame and sure there’s some stuff but it looks like it’s generally taken care of.

Around here there’s “oh this person did this” and “oh this person did that” and it’s just a big mess.


no, you misunderstood my message.

i don’t like the idea of people being able to use the armory to connect alts and then use that information to contact someone’s alts in game simply because they had a disagreement on the forums.

no names attached to the characters, no links to armory profiles, etc. mainly.

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It’s the perfect dumpster fire for making smores! :dracthyr_heart:


The thing is anon posting is already a thing via classic dk so like what’s the tea

actually no they cannot if i post on a character on the forums that i never play in-game.

no battle tags do not prevent that, they open the gateways for more avenues of harrassment via people sending bnet friend requests.

i don’t want people to contact me via my btag any more than i would want someone from the forums to come into the shared world of the WoW MMORPG game and contact me there.