Can we have more privacy in forums to feel more safe?

we should continue discussing about this important topic. You can clearly see that people want more privacy and anonymous posting would be great for them to feel more safe. What is your opinion about that?

Sure, I guess that wont apply if you’re ignoring the person.

But if the person is using that to find dirt and use it as bullet as counter argument that is already a lost fight.

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You gonna keep dodging my question?

My opinion is it sounds like the group you want to keep “safe” has no business being around here if you keep dodging the question.


Forums are already private, I know nothing about you as a person or anything about your personal life

That’s as much as we need, giving full anonymity will result is people being flat out more toxic than whatever exists now, and people have already linked studies showing this to be true

Your armory is not private information, your achievements are not private information, and your character is not private information

It’s all owned by blizzard


Not if you’re checking to see if they can credibly back up their statements.

Like If I was to sit here and talk about my Mythic invitational performance or the psycology of what it takes to be a top tier Area 2s player and treat that as a point of authority anyone glancing at my amory would see that I’m nowhere near that level and thus talking right out of my donkey portal.


i already stated, you do not need bring outside world problems into a GAME forums.

We have game forums, you can post only with subscription.

Someone buys a sub to post here and they bring it here being anon here. Not supposed to be but since they are anon they just keep making more and posting more.

Oh but they have a game sub that will surely keep them out from posting that around here.

I just “keep on scrolling” right?

Absolutely sickening.

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If you did that on me, I would just not give you any sort of response. You see, people here fed on responses specially the usual flamebait users they want your atention on them… what are you expecting when you look at someones profile? what you just mention would be bullet for a counter argument… but hey sure agree to disagree…

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since 2004, anything like that ever happened in our game forums?

The thing I’m looking for is credibility.

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Seriously? I’m sure it’s happened a few times. It isn’t out of the realm of possibility.

It’s why it’s against the rules but hey… if we can’t block and we can’t report we just keep on scrolling according to you.

Absolutely horrible and you know good and well it can happen anywhere not just here.


Night Elves aren’t aware of the fact that they’re in a game. They don’t play Overwatch and they don’t care about forum privacy issues because they don’t know what an online forum is. They don’t ask for races to be “playable” because they either exist or they don’t, and High Elves exist in the game world. Who would they even be asking, even? The Titans?

Regularly. Constantly. Although you’ve stated before that people shouldn’t ignore people for having a “different opinion” when they’re told to self-delete and then accuse them of making up stories, you know that you’ve seen the awful things that people post before the mods get to it.


So juts assumptions?

As i said it already, those functions would work.

where did i ever said this? Again assumptions.

That is false. Because someone just edited my quote and kept harassming me.

In one of your other locked threads.

Where? Show me. Give me the proof.

lol no it ain’t just assumptions sweet heart.

I’m pretty sure that’s still around as is.


They edited your quote to include the context that you cut out by only responding to part of what the person said where they explained where they were told to heft themselves across the rainbow bridge, and then had the audacity to ask them why they would ignore someone.


This is why RuneScape is superior

Bartender you run into early on refuses to tell you how to get treasure because it would make the game too easy, and when your character asks what he means the bartender explains how you’re in an online video game made of 1s and 0s so your person says they’re crazy and leaves

The self aware bartender is too powerful


Reminds me of Greg the Garlic Farmer in Skycraft :laughing:


I will not respond to a fake and made up stories. That’s not what i did.

Lets go back about this topic. What is your opinion?

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How about my opinion is no and that this is spam at this point cause this is the 3rd thread regarding some kind of topic on this.


It’s afternoon now and I’m kind of surprised this isn’t locked or 404’d yet.