Can we have more privacy in forums to feel more safe?

You’ve stated that “the purpose of discussion in forums is to exchange ideas, share experiences and engage in meaningful conversations”. Telling people to be quiet because they disagree with you doesn’t exactly help with that.

Mirasol hasn’t done any of that; in fact, she seems very polite and restrained. Disagreement =/= berating/mocking/ridiculing.


Did I forget what I said? Are you Referring to this?

If so. No I did not forget. I do advocate for the use of Battletag posting. It doesn’t have to be linked to the name of the Battletag itself. Just the posting history and reputation of that battletag be available for the community.

And yes, I did suggest to someone that they make a level ten alt for posting, presently that is a tool that we have. I would be neglectful and honestly a little dishonest if I just acted as if it doesn’t exist. I don’t like it, but it does. And if someone is honestly that concerned about being harassed. That is a option they have at the moment.

As stated before. We have many tools which can be used, right now. People need to use those tools.

Yes i do, that would work well in these forums too. Like i mentioned in other topic, option toh ide your name.

Your opinion is not a “fact”, let’s start there.

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Has op ever once outlined how current options to post lack privacy?


The only thing I’ve seen is a complaint about websites like check-pvp but there are ways to not have your characters show up on there as far as I can tell none of mine show up so it shouldn’t be hard to figure that out.

i would like to add my daily support for a forum system that helps to protect privacy.

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You do know what stream sniping is.

Stream sniping is when an online gamer exploits the livestream of a person they’re playing against in an abusive, advantageous, or annoying way.

This doesn’t hold much weight to the entire “privacy” argument that you’re trying to claim for the WoW forums.


Nope, because they are so more into the whole “anonymous” posting they want to invade others privacy rather than work towards mroe privacy.

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you don’t have to be a streamer to use that mode in Overwatch 2 - everyone is free to use it whenever they choose.

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I’m aware of that, but that is the entire functionality of it, and how it works. To help prevent and protect streamers from stream sniping. It has very little to do with privacy.

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Also, Nelfas, did you know anonymous posting has nothing to do with protecting privacy, but more of invading privacy? If you don’t believe me, just go look at 4chan for a real prime example.


Yeah honestly at this point, it’s just spam lol. Fake Politeness should be reported as spam if it does nothing to help the discussion or stay on topic tbh.

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I dont know what is 4chan. Nor i really care. Its WoW forums, why bring outside world into this game forum ?

Because it holds a fact to the dangers of anonymous posting. Something in which you’re fully ignoring.


4 chan is an anonymous posting board.

Because people from the real world use this forum.


No. That is outright abusing the report function. Being annoying is not against the rules. I get that the person goes in circles and does not have any constructive explanation for how anon posting would help create a better wow community.

They have admitted they have no in-game issues or privacy violations and no IRL issues or violations. Just people remembering what they said and looking at the post history - a history that does not even belong to them.

You get 5 flags a day (which should be per Bnet account but I digress). Do not waste them abusing reports because “someone was polite”.


That other forum you refering have a monthly subscription?

Just casually admitting you don’t know the point of its existence

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Oh they know what it is. It’s as old as the internet, it like not knowing the sky is blue.


This forum doesn’t require a monthly subscription, it is the game. Reason why the game subscription is tied to using the forums is to as to quote from Blizzard, to help minimize and control spam. But you do not need a monthly subscription to use the forums, as people can still use the forums on starter accounts, ofcourse with limited access to where to post.