Can we go one week without extra server down time please?

Truestory you need to find another game to play. True Story.

Yeah well some of us have lives, and jobs, and families. We can’t just hop on whenever. It would be nice to actually get to play the game that I’m paying for. :slight_smile:

Yep most people have that. Not everything is going to fit around your schedule all the time. An adult would understand this.

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This is a bootlicking response. An adult, that actually works for a living, also understands that time is money. And for a company & game that has been around as long as this one has, they should have their sh*t together as well as understand their player base.

I’m both an adult and work for a living. I’m on vacation this week due to the expansion and I am also house sitting for my parents and watching their 3 dogs and 4 cats for the week while my mom is getting Ketamine infusions at the Cleveland Clinic for her severe nerve damage and pain. Tell me more how I am not an adult that works for a living when I have my own house, paid off car, 2 dogs, 2 cats, work 40+ hours a week, I can go on about my adulting.

I just choose not to cry on the forums about maintenance that has been happening for 20 years. This should be expected and not a single person’s time is more important than the next person so someone crying about how “this is their only time they can play” is a bit selfish. Everyone has different schedules and lives. Maintenance is bound to effect someone. It will be okay.

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Maybe you don’t cry about the maintenance. Fine., whatever. But you do criticize someone who has every right to complain or cry about the maintenance. Then, you wait for someone to say something, so you can complain and cry about “adulting” on a game forum.

Pretty sure that was sarcasm.

Back in the day, our realm would crash every day at 4am when they updated honor points or something. There were Days of downtime (we did get back our 50 cents per day tho).

I haven’t seen any issues since I play 6 hours behind realm time. Things are kinda fixed by the time I log in. Move to Hawaii, play on a east coast server!

Was zero complaining in my responses. People are free to express their grievances just as I am free to respond to them. My response was quite sarcastic actually. I found it funny the person I responded to thinks their time is more valuable than the next person. It was just blunt. That’s how I speak.

Something like that.

Blizzard retorted that former max level characters having pushed raid gear & such to progress the new expansion + content faster and easier is a given — However, it has proved to be more overpowered than they originally intended and will thus be drastically changed.

They made a blue post on it also:

The change was already made & implemented overnight, about 6-7 hours ago from now.

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gotcha, ty