Can we go one week without extra server down time please?

sounds like you should release your own game if it’s “not that hard”.

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Says the dude hiding behind a lvl 70 go update ur stuff dog.

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Considering how much stuff is busted not gonna happen. This is normal, happens every xpack.

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ha ha haha last time i heard that i laughed so hard i fell off my ravasaur

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Given that GW2 routinely does major updates and maintenance without shutting down the servers, Blizzard is more than capable of the same on here. They choose not to do so, because to do so would cost them more.

This is what happens when you have a company that does not know what they are doing.

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Yeah, that’s probably it.

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It’s almost as if the transitional period between expansions is rocky, requires infrastructure changes, that’ll mandate more frequent downtime :thinking:

Give it a few weeks and we’ll be back to our usual 15 minutes every Tuedsay.

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whats the issue? were people finding dungeons too easy?

this did not happen with any other expansions. I’ve been playing since vanilla and we did not have DAILY maintenance nearly e very day since a pre-expac patch.

Don’t exaggerate.


This happens just about every expansion due to people having things like tier sets . I can’t remember an expasion since I started playing back in Wrath where players were not overpowered until they hit max level .

Maybe what Blizz needs to do is not worry about nerfing shortly after launch but instead raising the hp on things in the newer patches/expansions so it takes longer to kill them.

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You’re so cool. Not caring and all. How can I be like you when I don’t have anything else to do?

It’s almost as if GW2 has a different infrastructure.

Yeah, business decisions are usually cost/benefit analysis. :dracthyr_shrug:

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Go read a book.

Yep. The excuses from these apologists is sad to see. I think people forget they’re paying a fee every month to play this, on top of box price, on top of cash shop items and paid services.

These people are insane.

What book would you recommend? I can’t find any on how to be a tool. They must only sell those in your area.

I call bullcrap on you playing since vanilla and not having daily maintenance. back in vanilla…patches/maint definitely happened multiple times AND in vanilla, more often than not, maint spanned 12+ hours not 1-2… so. try again.

All these small downtime windows are fixing things. It’ll lessen once the expansion settles in. A lot of the time the downtime is less than the advertised window too.

You seem nice.

First time I guess?