Can we go back to personalized loot?

We have people refusing to roll and holding other people up.


Nope! It was removed due to stacking and cheesing the system. Just make the rolls shorter.


Such a troll response.

Personal loot system was a lot shorter. They can give it away if they don’t need it.


Personal loot should come back because rolls take too long? Why does this even bother you?


You don’t need to stay in the content for your roll to register. As long as you rolled you will get the loot by mail if you win.

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I’d like to see personalized loot come back. It was nice getting a ring or an armor piece that had your name on it.

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It isn’t a troll response. Personal loot caused endless number of issues both for casual and more hardcore players. You could cheese the system and it created a culture where stacking in order to force certain items to drop was basically the only way to reliably get items you wanted.

Otherwise … all you got was useless jewelry pieces everyone already had. We get more loot from Group Loot without negatively altering the gearing pace of the game and we have fewer issues relating to gear, whether from stacking or even something as simple as trading and getting an abundance of redundant pieces of loot no one wanted.


That has to be what just happened to a friend of mine on an LFR Amirdrassil wing 4 run. He greeded on everything but the tier token which he needed on, and waited… and waited… until there was just himself and one other person in the group left, and the other person hadn’t rolled on anything.

There were two tier tokens and a couple of other pieces. My friend said he waited maybe 10min, thinking the other player needed a bio break, was having an IRL emergency, or it was a bug, so after waiting so long without anything happening, he finalized left.

I’m assuming after reading this thread, the player who refused to roll got all the stuff, including the tier tokens.

Great exploit I guess, if you’re a troll.

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:eyes: /10 chars


Blizzard said no.

Why? Cuz players have to do the content more, thus extending it and reducing queue times.

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Gearing has never been as fast.


It is when a player isn’t winning rolls.

M+ also isn’t played by the majority of players.

LFD and LFR are the most played non-world content by far.

Hence the removal of personal loot. To keep those players engaged longer.


At this point? I doubt the majority doesn’t do M+. The numbers are too good for it to be a minority.

We already have 3 millions+ characters that have run a M+ just for this season.

Raid loot for pugs should be personal.

The drops should also be at least two or three items per five players not ONE.

We can after all only do the raids once a week.

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Whilst slightly outdated at this point, the numbers back then matches up with extrapolated numbers in terms of Mythic+ runs, raiding, the overall estimated number of active players in all versions of WoW and so on.

It would require A LOT to change to make the poll with 11.5k votes not reflective of the overall sentiment regarding the game. At this point there are some things that would change definitely. Season of discovery and more for sure, but we can still extrapolate that roughly 20%-ish of the total number of World of Warcraft players engage with M+ on some level. It doesn’t state high keys or low keys, but just M+ as an activity.

So… yah’…

Also, most likely no to this:

The most likeliest reasons for it is that it promoted:

  • Mass spamming whispers demanding people of items, making it an unpleasant experience even to loot an item
  • Increase the number of relevant items for the larger amount of people in a group, since personal loot basically meant that you could only see whatever was tied to your personal loot table.
  • Removed the need for Seals/Sigils/Coins/Tokens in order to boost the number of items people could receive as instead … you just had more options for the items that dropped by being able to roll on all of 'em, making it more fair and easy for everyone.
  • Personal loot didn’t work well in organized content and the general mentality is to keep the same loot system across as many systems as possible.
  • More difficult to abuse Group Loot (as it exists in retail now) than Personal Loot.

I’m sure one can think of more reasons, but those are just some of the more obvious/explicit reasons that has been given over the years.

Gonna need a source on this one.

You cannot be that daft.

M+ numbers are already dropping. Only a small part of the playerbase does M+.

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Are you kidding?! They allow DH to roll on Int trinkets. Some of them don’t even bother to select anything, they just leave.

The Devs can’t even think that far ahead, to figure out who is eligible.

You can even win the same item twice, because you get to choose to need on both same item that drop, instead of a pool of two or more same item, so the same person doesn’t get both items.

Personal Loot is basically the same thing, but people who aren’t eligible don’t get the option to roll on it.

Nobody has to wait around, unless they are waiting for someone who doesn’t need it to give it away.

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How has it been so long and people still don’t even understand how the system works? Why assume some kind of diabolical trolling when a simple search (or reading the same thread) answers the question?

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Gearing has never been so much like gambling either… ironic