Can we give Void Elves the Green Eyes?

I was not saying Valeera is a Void Elf, the point is that Valeera is welcomed into the Alliance while at the same time being allowed to embrace her Blood Elf Heritage, even wearing full Blood Elf themed clothing.

Expats can embrace their people’s culture while at the same time being opposed to their people’s government.

A Blood Elf embracing their culture doesn’t make them any less of a Loyal member of the Alliance.

What do we get though. VEs get more stuff than BEs do these days.


This is not true, high and blood elves had glowing white or blue eyes in WC3. With the exception of sorceresses.


The reason people want this gatekeeping is because alliance thalassian elves get everything, they even get Valeera, the most well known blood elf, is essentially Alliance. They also have both living Windrunners, and generally take the majority of thalassian content.

Edit: So I ask again: What do we get?’


Why bother with this topic? It looks like that Void and Blood Elf-customization will be merged together in Midnight. I don’t think they will introduce another elf race but than again, the game has now a fourth dwarf player race…

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Void elves getting glowing green eyes would cause a lot of drama with Blood elves most likely… if you two groups want to tear each other apart be my guest though. I’ll show myself out as I don’t wish to be involved in an elf war

You’ll have blood elves on alliance soon enough when the factions dissolve, don’t worry. You can even call them high elves if you want and we can finally see the end of these topics.


That was never an issue. Elves have always been welcome if they’re friendly.

It kind of does though. Thalassian elves exist as a broad group. Their main leadership entered into a military arrangement with the other races of the horde, and some thalassian people don’t like that and live outside of their society. Some even going so far as to fight on the side of the alliance. Those that do have for a long time made a point of continuing to call themselves high elves to differentiate themselves from their people at large. Despite the origin of the name being a tribute to the fallen, to call yourself a blood elf now is to tell others that you are happy to be horde.

Then you throw void elves into the mix. Which is still the only playable option on the alliance. Even when their original group was living in silvermoon they lived pretty separately from the mainstream society. It was just more convenient to stay there, and quietly keep practicing their creepy magics in secret. Their exile was their physical removal from the city and the inconvenience that came with it, but they weren’t longing for their culture. They took their own shadowy culture with them. Over the years they’ve gained new people who previously called themselves high elves or blood elves. But I very much doubt anyone who was willing to go that far in order to study void magic is going to still insist on being called a blood elf. More to the point though, just calling themselves a blood elf isn’t going to make a void elf’s eyes green.

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I don’t have time to respond right now, I will later. I disagree with some of the points you made but overall this was a really well written post to read.

Magnarok cookin :man_cook:

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Blood elves are a political group. You can have people who consumed fel and have green eyes who identify as high elves, so it makes sense theoretically. I’m more surprized people aren’t asking for golden eyes for void elves. The reason they aren’t adding them is just to have things that make them distinct visually, but in the lore the only real diference faction-wise is there aren’t void-infused elves in the horde because the Thalassian leadership doesn’t want them near the Sunwell.

That said, nothing stops an alliance-alligned thalassian elf from going by the name sin’dorei to honor the fallen or from wearing bright red. But it could get awkward with the guards. And specially with the other Alliance high elves, who would probably not like that.

The red clothes are not meant to be a political message, they’re there for a sense of unity after a terrible tragedy, but because some people did not embrace that unity at the time, it has become sort of exclusionary towards those who don’t work with the main political group.

At the risk of bringing something unwanted to the conversation, it’s like wearing certain red caps with a certain message in a certain large country IRL. Nothing about the hat itself is inherently political, but people will make assumptions about you for wearing it and some people will not want to be associated with it.


No the Alliance has meltdowns about the Blood Elves not the other way around.
What you’re suggesting would upset the natural order .


The alliance is nothing but a constant meltdown.


springrunner laying down the hot burns.

only for warlocks

Im all for it.

Green eyes would look awesome on my warlock.
And maybe even my monk as monks are green themed.

No, but worgen need more

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Its been 6 years since void elves were added to the game.
It really is time for blood elf fans to accept that theyre not unique any more.


I think the problem BE players have is that blizz keeps giving things that are BE content and/or culturally relevant things to BEs to the alliance while ignoring BEs.


Im not sure i agree but i do admit that dark ranger was random af
Theres not anything in lore to explain that one haha

Jade Green, not Fel Green though.

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