Can we give Void Elves the Green Eyes?

I was never debating you on that.

Then we are fine.


Side note, im looking forward to my void elf paladin which we all know is 100% coming to the game in the near future :slight_smile:

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Prove it, show me where they’ve addressed Paladin, Druid, Shaman and Demon Hunter classes being expanded like the rest, actually they haven’t said anything about them or anything in general about classes past what they have done working because of them not making sense which is understandable due to lore for certain races.

In this case it’s Void Elves are void infused which goes against being a Paladin and being light infused.


He says early on that his job is to open up all classes to all races and that theyre slowly making progress.

Thats just one of many places they have said theyre working on it.

You know this full well. Youve even celebrated that theyre opening it up.


That was for Warlocks and came after Mages, Rogues, Priests, Monks, which are all general classes.

Show something specifically addressing Paladins, Druids, Shamans and Demon Hunters which are very specific in the lore and could if added to certain races ruin said lore.

I mean you are so overconfident about Void Elf Paladins so you should have an actual source to back that right?

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“My role in 10.1.5 was as an associate quest designer to really take every player, every race to be able to be part of any class, and were slowly getting there”.
So he said his job is to work on getting it all open.

But no, theyve not specifically said “void elf is getting paladin”. Although all races all classes that they keep repeating does cover this combo.

But you dont actually think its not going to happen do you?

Considering they didn’t and haven’t even addressed anything since Warlocks for all in any interviews, question sessions, etc. I wouldn’t be shocked if it was round filed for the rest of the classes due to it being Blizzard and I wouldn’t care like care because I got the one and only class I play anyway already so it won’t have any positive or negative effect on me anyway.

So no I don’t think it’s gonna happen until I see it or something at least to validate it happening.


DH is probably the least likely but classes that were in the game before Legion aren’t unlikely to be expanded to everyone (although I suspect Druid and Paladin will be either in TWW or Midnight; Shaman would make sense in TWW given the Primalists but it’s not like it’s the first time the game includes NPC Shamans from races that don’t have shaman as antagonists)

The story has literally just formed a new paladin order and has races that cant be paladins in it.
The story is clearly setting up paladins for all.

Theyre not going to leave out void elves just like they didnt stop lightforged becoming warlocks :stuck_out_tongue:


I guess I just look at it from the more realistic perspective of that this whole xpac they’ve had cause to add Shamans for all due to that primalists have been shown to be every race except Void Elves.

We are currently in a Druid centric patch that even added generic forms for all races but we didn’t get Druids for all.

Then about Paladins we had a whole multi patch questline for Tyr that even showed newer NPC’s Paladins for different races but even at the end of it no Paladins for all.

Demon Hunter I admit there has been no basis in storyline for a long time now but the rest it’s been right there and they haven’t added them which to me just seems like they don’t wanna.


Maybe 10.2.6 is all races all classes.
Not saying it will or wont be. But we do know there is a mystery patch they want us to be hyped for.

See that I’d be more accepting of because then it would be solidified instead of up in the air where they won’t even talk about it or address it at all.

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Your void elf can have green eyes when you shift the color blindness settings probably. Or when you play a blood elf instead like you really want to.


I want to be purple and glow in combat.
When blood elves can do that, ill play one haha

life finds a way

Thats too purple XD

No seriously, i used to main priest but when i decided to stop healing, i just couldnt stand the visual effect of shadow priest and had to change class. Its a shame as i love the fantasy of it.

life finds a different way maybe?

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Spatial Rift good for my priest who can at most hobble along while being bombarded by 5 or so people.