With the other ones you listed they hold a bit of water because you can actually pull off the fantasy of them with the whole Quel’dorei one you do not have the ability to actually do what you are claiming and you know it so again you are just pretending because underneath that you are still a Void Elf that is going to be glowing every few.
If it means we get to kill 'em like I do Thalmor in Elder Scrolls, count me in!
Every subrace “pretends”, because the racials and skills do not fit, on both faction sides. If we truly care about these things, then we can make a list of what’s wrong with the other subraces (and this starts at why canonically the Blackrock Orcs are the only ones having this one eye colorization and ends with different body types for the Wildhammer Dwarves).
In the end it’s just Blizzard saving on time and money. What you recognize as important for you has become for the most players irrelevant, to be frank. A bigger issue is that most of the Sin’dorei RPer switched over to the Alliance on the RP-servers and leave the Horde-RP in the dusts, because they can pretend to be Sin’dorei with the Sunwell raid transmog. That’s an actual issue which requires some drama. But then again, everyone can also pretend to be a Gilnean now, so racial integrity is out of the window nowadays.
I’m inclined to disagree, a Draenei that plays as a Man’ari does get the actual looks as well as a racial change appearance wise to complete the fantasy.
Wildhammer get the look because although they are a bit different from normal Dwarves they can pull it off with looks and the tattoos.
Mag’har have the ability to look certain ways and have multiple heritage armor sets to complete it.
I could go on but the only ones pretending like pretending are Void Elves because actual High Elves do not glow, we do not bleed a different color, we do not sound encoded, we don’t have the bad hairstyles and so on and so on and to me that’s a good thing because it shines through even while using the RPing options that they are still a Void Elf vs Blood Elf who can pull it off fully.
They don’t have the actual look. The corrupted skin and even skin colors are still gated. You’ll realize this while going back to Tomb of Sargaras. And they lack options similar to the Blood Trolls, with necklaces and so on. And their wings.
They can’t. They are the direct opposite of what a Bronzebeard Dwarf is. This starts with the racials and ends with the physiology, who are supposed a bit taller and slimmer. And almost every Wildhammer has a friendship with the gryphons, so they are very limited to playing Hunters, pretending to be the Warrior or Shaman Class. Either way, it’s the Void Elf issue in the end. They started to pay a bit of attention to the Draenei in this regards, which doesn’t mean they will not go back and also change the other races a bit more.
I guess we’ll find out in Midnight.
At that point just queue for multiple specific BGs. I’ll normally queue for Arathi, Deepwind, and even Gilneas every once in a blue moon when I do regular BGs. I hate Seething Shore, Temple is alright but I feel like it makes me rage the most, capture the flag? Absolutely not, I debate leaving any time I queue into one of those (except in Blitz).
In the realm of Azeroth, where the brave ones delve, lies a truth, about Void Elves, we’ve gotta tell.
Born from Blood Elves, their roots run deep,
through the arcane mysteries~, they leap.
Why can’t their eyes glow a verdant sheen?
When their heritage is clear and plainly seen.
Green for the magic that once did bind them,
Let their eyes reflect the past, not confine them.
Let the green glow, let it show,
From Silvermoon to the void we go.
Blood and void, intertwined,
Green-eyed elves, let them shine.
In shadows they walk , but from light they came,
A shared history, a familiar flame .
Through the dark rifts, their power grows, yet the hue of their gaze should echo their woes .
And getting to see Blood Elves running around in Gileas nobles outfit, monocle and tophat! ( And it looks better on them than on Worgen )
Were, not are.
I find Forsaken doing it a little more irksome.
Ugh disgusting
Just want to point out, that goes both ways. Even the image in the article you linked suggested how I am a High Elf in my character as well.

Just want to point out, that goes both ways.
Yes, but I don’t think anyone has argued Blood Elves aren’t High Elves?
At most, it boils down to political affiliation, but if a Horde RP’er wants their character to be neutral and a part of the Kirin Tor, Argent Dawn, random pirates, etc… and say they’re a High Elf, even have friendly relationships with Silvermoon, then more power to them.
This is just my personal opinion, but I think most Blood Elves would be offended to be called a High Elf. It’s as if you’re saying they do not honor their fallen, or stand by their kingdom, since that is the connotation associated with the name from a political perspective.
But again, RP’ers can do whatever they please, and these customizations were added toward that goal.

Are you okay?
I’m an elf fan, I main blood elves, and I don’t mind this.
I also want Void Elves to get more “high elven” hairstyles… because what they currently have isn’t high elven.
It really isn’t. At this point I think what Blizzard needs to do is this, and I could see it working for Midnight:
Make High Elves a playable Race, not Allied race, a Race, with a unique Thalassian model. With their own customization options and such. Arcane Tattoos, Different hairstyles and hair colors. Really go all out.
Give Blood Elves more Customization. Tattoos, Phoenix tattoos would be great, fel-blood skins and other stuff unique to Blood elves.
Give Void elves more void themed customizations. Etheral themed hairstyles, extra eyes, really lean into that void thematic.
All of this.

Make High Elves a playable Race, not Allied race, a Race, with a unique Thalassian model. With their own customization options and such. Arcane Tattoos, Different hairstyles and hair colors. Really go all out.
I don’t see the point in this. It would only upset the Blood Elf-players even more, because it would cement further that they are not “real High Elves”.
Their biggest claim is that they hate that High Elf people want their customization options. Okay, give High Elves their own. If they still have a problem then I dunno at some point it is gonna come down to is Blizz ready to tell those who want High Elves in the Playerbase a hard no and lose those subs. Which side do they take in this? The side that just wants to enjoy the game and have the fantasy that they want? Or the side that wants to block a group from enjoying the game because they want to hoard customization and identity to one side of the aisle? How do you please both sides?

Which side do they take in this?
How do you please both sides?
Merging Void and Blood Elves together, which is likely what is going to happen in Midnight. The developers are 100% aware of these topics and read them.