Customizations for RP
This is like saying Dark Rangers aren’t Dark Rangers, because they have Void Elf/Blood Elf racials.
I do wonder if this is gonna change by the end of Midnight, something happening to the Sunwell’s composition that has Void Elves’ presence near it not an issue, or the Sunwell gets outright destroyed and they have to find something else like the Nightborne with the Arcan’dor. I think it would be odd for them to say “alright the elves are unified, but these elves can’t go near the Sunwell, I’m sure that won’t create any friction amongst the elves.” However, we won’t know if they do that until Midnight comes out/is over (they could do it at the start or the end, who knows). But yes, that doesn’t change that as of right now, void elves near the Sunwell is a big no-no.
No they’re DRs…
Why can’t an undead elf use arcane torrent?
Now why would a high elf warrior be able to make void portals…
Hmm, idk, maybe cuz they’re a void elf?
More like, customization for make believe.
Come back to me when you have high elf racials and NPCs don’t refer to you as a void elf
Well, lorewise, they wouldn’t know it? The Dark Rangers were largely High Elves fallen during the Third War. Arcane Torrent was taught to them by Kael’thas, who himself learned the technique from Illidan.
I suppose more could’ve been raised since then, but Lor’themar’s stance on Sylvanas raising Blood Elves was made extremely clear during the first Siege of Orgrimmar.
Even the newest Dark Rangers, the Kaldorei variant, still have Kaldorei racials.
Maybe at Midnight.
Who was warchief during bfa, lorth or sylv? I’m sure tyran wasn’t happy about raised nelves, and yet…
Also the current AT is not the same as TBC. Belves don’t even have mana tap.
It’s just shows their innate relationship to magic. So no reason why modern belves and helves can’t both have AT.
Don’t hold your breath
i seem to recall someone stating the sunwell radiates across vast distances, like the sun does, and would effect all who were predisposed to magic mutating their eyecolor., such as elves. personally i’m not all that interested in gold eyes, but i’d really like normal eyes with color pupil and white sclera
The sunwell isn’t a radio station.
i dont remember the details but it was related to no sunwell on draenor.
I’m sure the magic radiates to a certain degree. But not to the point of changing elves in booty bay
I guess the green ones make sense.
It’s the yellow that contradicts the void aspects of their nature.
Unless we go along the lines of a faction that includes both Void and High Elves.
WW or Midnight will probably bring a merge of elven groups so… might be part of Blizz plans already.
Alleria felt it from across time and space so…
According to blizzard (Thalassian) elves who are faithful will have their eyes shift towards gold, those who aren’t will return to blue. One would assume that the high elves are similarly effected.
While I’m not against or for the idea of the green and gold eye colors being added to Void Elves, I also wouldn’t really care if they were.
I think the thing I really want on the eye color side is to have the red no longer locked to a skin tone for either Blood or Void Elves.
And unlocked for DKs I’m just saying
Omg DK’s deserve so much more on eye colors alone but yes that would be a nice step, Blizzard… :narrows eyes:
And, as has been the case for a few years now, if you want the High Elf fantasy featuring hanging out in Silvermoon and being very fancy, you roll Horde and customize accordingly.
And if you want the Alliance High Elf fantasy, you roll Alliance, customize accordingly and enjoy your tabard and mounts, as well as being, you know, on the Alliance.
Everyone wins! Hooray!
Except belves are the actual high elves while alliance are diet velves.
Pfft, depends on what you want.
You absolutely can’t get the Alliance loyalist, “calling themselves high elves in the current day”, riding on a Silver Covenant hippogryph, quel’dorei steed, and blue dragonhawk, wearing a Silver Covenant tabard and Alliance mogs type fantasy on the Horde.
But you also can’t hang out in Silvermoon, be part of the main population, have those lovely weapons, be a paladin, get the blood knight mogs, or have the majority of the hawkstriders on Alliance.
So it depends on what you’re looking for when you roll your short elf. Choose accordingly!