Can We get the new Void Elf hair styles added for the blood elves too?

Horns are more of a Fel thing, which is why I am a big advocate for Fel Elves.

Says the 18 post Demon Hunter, as if I really care about what you think of me, sorry if for some reason you thought I did and that you got offended by being corrected last night but deal with it.


Someone having different opinions does not mean someone has been negative.

Bout time you start learning that one.


Iā€™m negative because I donā€™t want Blood Elves and Void Elves completely homogenized and instead Iā€™d prefer we get more hairstyles that are unique to each race but yeah somehow that is super negative because I donā€™t wanna share 100% of everything between the two races.


If that is negative, then those bad faith actors here on the forums who do nothing but troll the forums must be really good posters :joy:


Extra eyes work for void for you?

Though I think one of the more popular void request is starcursed hair effects. :smiley:

Iā€™m surprised you spent so much time arguing with a blood elf player. The sense of entitlement that crowd tend to has is pretty sad lol

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This is no argument and can easily be negated simply by pointing to the Manā€™ari.

This is immature projection and a childish argumentation. If you have nothing to contribute to the discussion, then take your loss or step up to the plate.

As someone, who has been extremely successful in RL but had to work her butt off: You focus too much on a game. Amount your energy to something more important than chasing internet ghosts.

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Okay go make a Void Elf look just like an actual NPC High Elf like I can and Iā€™ll agree with you until then you have nothing more than pretending.

Wanting different customizations on characters I play and asking for such to have differences and different looks on my characters is focusing too much on a game or chasing internet ghosts, where do you get this stuff you babble at times?

You sure you are that successful or are you just talking by EU standards because if itā€™s just that, that makes more sense why youā€™d try and claim that because much, much, much less standards.


Thatā€™s why we will see likely an exchange of customizations coming with Midnight.

Because you neglect the psychological aspect behind your motivations. Itā€™s bluntly putt shallow to put this much energy into a game and race, which is more of an identity to you than your RL. I care for this topic, because this would be the best thing to do.

This is actually factual wrong, especially when it comes to health care and food. The point Iā€™m making here: If you really had those ā€œstandardsā€, as you call it, you wouldnā€™t care the slightest for a video game and if another player race could get some more or not.

And yes, while you can make the argument also for me, I do just kill some time before and after work during my travels. I stand by my point: Use your energy to amount to something better, than chasing internet ghosts. Take my advice: This is not a grind worth fighting for.

What are you all fighting about? If void elves are blood elves, and blood elves are high elves, and if high elves are night elves, and night elves are trolls, can we stop the my race is better than yours bs? We are literally the same lol.

If anything I would prefer night elf hairstyles on blood elves lol. Mad cute.


The various hairstyles of all the elven folk on each other (swapped about) looks very nice. Theres a few mockups of that going around.

I rather like the Night Elf hair on Nightborne actually as well as Blood Elves. Iā€™m also partial to the Void Elf hairstyles on Blood Elves (Obviously without the tentacles). Nightborne though look remarkably nice with the Void Elf ones too.


Easy for you to say with you perfect hairline >:,(

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Bumped! That and reversed. All I want to see is the Night Elf ā€œmaneā€ style given to Void Elves, because it was the style used for the original Blood Elf/High Elf model.