Can We get the new Void Elf hair styles added for the blood elves too?

Blizzard once again throwing out overdue customizations , but yet with a still limited selection, the void elves received some hair styles that should also be given to the blood Elves in my opinion, its one example in the many wrongs of the character creation menu.


There weren’t any void elf hairstyles added in 9.1.5. They also haven’t given void elves any of the blood elf hairstyles.


I thought Void Elves were originally Blood Elves that were kicked out of Blood Elf society for messing around with Void magic? I think that is the result of their default hair style. I cannot imagine Blood Elves having that kind of hair since if they messed with Void magic they would be exiled, “becoming” Void Elves.

Perhaps ask for antlers first since they might be able to be conjured with ordinary magic?

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ahh well I’m referring to the hair style for void elves “brooding & Dark tides” I know I am being a little picky :wink: but I do believe some styles could have been more inclusive.

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Kinda amused horns and other protrusions aren’t a Void Elf customization if we’re supposed to be so Void permeated and mutated. Void creatures come in many sizes and shapes, yet this aspect of the Void is not at all represented. Horns, fangs, claws, tentacles etc are all signs of Void manipulation.


Get an Elfcentric game more ElfCentric by offering more variety to the race that has more variety.

That sounds fun. And that is because I do really want people to have all their community disruptive wishes so this slow decline become a fast one. :laughing:

This game was started by “Orcs and Humans”. You have basically 1 kind of Orc with “two color schemes” and basically the same styles. You have what you can consider 2 types of humans, or 3 if you consider undead as “undead humans” (which they totally are), and all those combined amount to not more than one elf customization set.

However you have Night Elves, Void Elves, Blood Elves, the other Night Elves, the Closeted High Elves, and their customization options combined are almost the same as all other races combinations combined.

Plus Humans and Orcs, the “founder” races still have hairs, or skin tones, or faces, that work only with one set, so when you choose them, other aspects are changed to not allow you to combine those in the fashion they elected to make.

However, people think Elves lack “customization”.

but…elves do lack custimazation compared to humans and orcs XD i mean they have a wider variety + posture change option

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That’s because more people want to play elves. There’s no point in adding more races that people don’t want to play. If it weren’t for the overpowered racials orcs get, probably very few people would even bother playing them


Yes, they have. Many of the Void Elf hairstyles are Blood Elf mockups.

Here are some original Blood Elf hairstyles:


This Void Elf hairstyle below is based off of Blood Elf hairstyle “full”, #01.

This Void Elf hairstyle below is a copy of Blood Elf hairstyle #00, ponytail.

This Void Elf hairstyle is a copy of Blood Elf hairstyle #19, long braid.

In fact, most Void Elf hairstyles were Blood Elf hairstyles with small alterations. I made a post a few months back about how one can even see similar texture patterns at the crown, even if the texture is altered as the hair gets longer. :slight_smile:


I’m aware that some of the void elf hairstyles are modified blood elf hairstyles that were intentionally made worse in a failed attempt to avoid blood elf butthurt, but they aren’t the same. Some of those, including the ponytail hairstyle, are just generic hairstyles that are also available to humans. The most distinct blood elf hairstyles, including the Foxtail hairstyle that male blood elves get, are not available to void elves; the most similar thing we get is the Flayer style, which in my opinion looks like trash with engineering goggles, which were my go-to head transmog before I faction changed this character to Alliance.

Also I’d take the Prince hairstyle that was added in BfA over the ones the OP wants (Brooding and Dark Tides) any day. But I’m not opposed to Blizzard just giving blood elves some of the void elf hair options if that’s what people want


Isn’t giving them the same hairstyles.

I believe Velfs need their own and Belfs need their own and they shouldn’t be shared. Definitely make more, but keep them separate from each other.

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I don’t really want Void Elf hairstyles, but I support both races getting more hairstyles in general.


I don’t see the problem here. More options for the most popular and played Horde race.

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I want more uniqueness instead of looking the same.


This sounds nasty coming from me - but if you want to be unique, then play everything but the most played races with hourglass figures and beautiful looks.

I didn’t say I wanted to be unique to Blood Elves… I want Elves to be unique enough from each other. There is no reason why we can’t have a variety of different hairstyles and colors. There have been plenty of ideas in our customization threads for both races to make us distinct.


The same hairstyles with a few minor adjustments, such as singular strands, is basically the same hairstyle imo.

This 100%.


(post deleted by author)


Can we maintain descrete uniqueness between void and blood elf characters please?


It’s a 2 year old thread. New alt up there is necroing them all. There’s three so far he’s necroed.