Can we get solo activation for Wrath Heroic Defense Protocols?

I make multiple points, you pick on one. This is actually the first time you’ve replied to more than 1 of the points I made.

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To this post...

Damn what a good point your made a complete disregard and probably didn’t even read the post.

I played Vanilla, not back in '06 but when Classic launched I played it and there’s plenty of solo content in it for farming which I did a lot of. Not every aspect of the game has to be about group content.

You always disregard this and I don’t know why, you always cling to solo Titan Rune dungeons and never talk about the suggestion to put them back into the raids they came from.

I don’t want the loot, again for the third time I have a transmog that I like.

Also again, not responding to you after this, no point talking to a wall.

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Classic isn’t Vanilla!!!

only reason Titan rune dungeons where released was to cater to you retail andys who wanted QOL chnages and catch up Mechanics but that blizz gave that to you guys now you want them to revert the changes???


Don’t play retail, never have but… K

so your someone who never even really played the orginals want to come demand that blizz cater to you checks out

For the third time, I never asked for Titan Rune dungeons but you can think whatever you want.

Yep, I never touched WoW until 2019 for Vanilla Classic.

guess what even if the raid loot was in 10mans you still wouldnt be able to solo the 10man raid youd still have to form a group!!! either way you look at you have to form a group to farm your transmogs you want stop crying in fourms

Guy, all you do is cry in forums. You go around being pissy and picking fights with snarky comments on a level 10 alt…


Blizz should honeslty keep the loot locked behind needing 5 people to do them make it so you actually have to play with other players you know since it is a MMO after all

I mean you might not be able to solo the 10 mans, with how narrow your field of vision is - but almost every 10-man encounter in WOTLK was solo’d at 85 by more than one class during retail Cataclysm. Hell, even 10m Heroic Lich King was solo’d at 85.

So yeah, there’s a good chance if the loot was available on 10m like it was during original CATA - they would be able to solo it. And even if they couldn’t solo it, they could grab a single healer friend interested in tmog and likely complete the raid anyways.

IMO though, if anybody at Blizzard is reading this and making a decision on what change to implement:

Make it so Titan Rune dungeons require the same number of players as are in the current party to activate. I.E. if 1 player is in the party, just that player is required, if 3 are present, then all 3 have to activate.


or blizz can just ignore the old content and stop making changes to the game theres anther good idea.

and yes people where clearing 10mans at 85 but the people who where clearing these 10mans where in heroic dragon soul and most of them where blood dks.

again this is a MMO so group up with people and go clear the content play with friends or randoms make new friends

This is a game whose primary purpose is fun and enjoyment, you do realize that yes?
You also realize that the primary goal of this game from Blizzard’s perspective is subscription, microtransaction, and investor revenue driven by player engagement metrics yes?
You then of course realize that allowing players to spend more time playing the video game in a way they find enjoyable to farm old content is in both the game, and Blizzard’s best interest, correct?

These are pretty simple changes to implement. It’s not like we’re asking for an entire development cycle to be spent on reworking the user interface. We’re asking to either revert a change (un-change the change) or make it so that the change that was made is more accessible. The latter of which is probably easier since they just change a single conditional clause, rather than reverting a bunch of different database edits.

Also, in rebuttal to the argument of getting 5 people together to activate the thing. This is quite challenging, it turns out. In fact, during WOTLK, when this stuff was relevant, trying to do an ALPHA instead of a BETA or GAMMA for an achievement was basically impossible. Now it’s almost impossible to get a group together for any wotlk content, and you can’t just queue alpha/beta/gamma at 85 via the LFD tool. Plus, what if I want to go and do alpha/beta achievement lap with my two close friends chilling in discord?


wtf is this comment. It’s old expansion stuff. Why should you need 5 people to run a soloable dungeon?

You come off as belligerent and incredibly stupid. Also, it’s “you’re.”

Literally made the character to post garbage on the forums. What a sad life.

Thanks, Blizzard!

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Did they fix it?

Wait until u are in firelands gear you can do it then.


Are you feeling bad for your behavior in this thread? You should be.

The guy’s got his account just to flame forums lmao

Since the request this thread was made for ended up being fulfilled, I’ve got a related question: when exactly does the expansion-based damage scaling get added? I know Legion had it, but I’m assuming it got added in before that and the patch notes I’ve been digging through haven’t exactly helped me figure it out. :frowning_face:

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