Can we get rid of the awful M+ squish changes please?

Doubt X.

Dont stand in bad. Use your spells.

its insanely easy at only +4.

Also blame healers who complained they had to do dmg so they made it way worse… not the key + fault.


Annnnnd what changes that difficulty and makes things feel easier??

Thats right. Gear. That thing that doesnt matter apparently lol

Yes there is.

Normal → Heroic → M0 → M+

Stop trying to cut corners.
Get full 554 from normal
Get full 567 before trying heroic
Get full 580 before trying m0
Get full 593 before trying m+

Use the progression systems in place and sop trying to take shortcuts. Its that simple

People shouldn’t be taking avoidable damage. That is nonsense


Think having so many key levels relevant to so many people spread the player base out to thin.

Maybe they could adjust the low end down some and re-scale them. But if harder +3 gives the same reward as an easier +7, were just talking about labels and expectations.

M+ has gotten into the impossible to learn, easy to master type of difficulty. Most of that is because you don’t learn M+, you learn every pull, and every boss. So there’s not a lot of general knowledge you can bring until you’ve played it for years and start seeing repeated concepts.

And there’s too much cognitive and visual overload. They acknowledged this at one point but have since kept adding to it with mechanic based affixes that add tasks and graphics.


No its fairly straight forward. People just don’t use the tools to learn is all. Everyone rushes through Heroic without paying any attention and then get obliterated in mythics by the same abilities that were present in Heroics and then go “well i dont know what killed me. QQ blizz nerf!!”

My first time running mythic dungeon as well and i know EXACTLY what killed you.

Do you even know what you’re talking about?

Why do you weird elitist slobs always make assumptions?

I am 609 ilvl.

I am not taking any shortcuts guy.

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Good for you. I wasn’t talking about you. You made a generalized comment about “people” looking to hop into m+.

I made a generalized comment about not cutting corners to achieve desired results.

Cute projection though

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Sadly when people look at M+ score tho, you gotta over gear +2s and do each 1 for score and then move up. Last week I did +2s, this week I did +4s

No one is getting 1-shot in a +4. Odds are no one was kicking at all and people got gunned down by random bolts because the tank pulled too many casters.

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Oh, my mistake, you aren’t an elitist, just another person who can’t even do the content himself trying to talk as if he is steamrolling everything.

Even worse than an elitist.

A fake elitist.

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False. If you’re my ilvl, yes, you can be if you accidentally stand in a single swirl

Yeah, kinda. Heroics are a complete joke. Soloable.

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It was def a group issue.

The first boss had a ton of adds spawn and I was the only one attacking them.

I just did a M0 in Grim Batol and I can easily say that it is going to be pure torture to climb into higher keys in that awful place.

Standing in swirlies also got you 1-shot in keys higher than 10 in past seasons, which the guy claimed didn’t happen.

People tend to complain about 1-shots when it’s unavoidable, not when its big obvious swirlies.


I never once said standing in a swirly in 10+ in past seasons didn’t 1 shot you.

Siege’s unavoidable damage hits pretty hard.


Do you want to waste more time? Why would you even complain about this.

So ridiculous.

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What is the difference???
Doing M0 or doing M10 to get the same gear???
Or doing M2 to get gear that is worse than M0 right now.

Having to do M20 to get the Myth track in the vault?

Disclaimer that I don’t agree with OP’s premise; but the idea is to have more increments in the progression.


I phrased my response to the other guy very poorly since they brought up swirlies and you didn’t (probably the first AK boss.)

Either way, big adjustment this M+ season is you can no longer pull giant packs. If your group lacks the stops/kicks to deal with bolt spam, you’re gonna die.

This season also needs a lot of balance passes still, which is why it feels ugly on top of things.

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Going from M0 to M2 is easier and there is progression given that you keep going.

Where is the problem that I don’t see?
Because going from Heroic geared to M0 you just have the mechanics to learn, something that you wouldn’t notice in the previous M0 so you would never learn it there and would go into M+ without knowing how to do the boss, and therefore wiping, dying, people leaving the key and then posting in the forums again “oh I wish there was an non-timed M+ so we could progress with slow pace” lmao.

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