Can we get plunderstorm back?

I wouldnt touch mop remix with 10feet monkey pole. But to each it own.

Only if it has literally zero rewards so that people don’t feel forced to do it. I did the renown grind and every single game, the majority of the people in the lobby agreed the mode was not fun to grind.

Lol, I’d argue most WoW players hated Plunderstorm because it simply wasn’t WoW.

The gameplay was way different, it was just FortSkin using WoW graphics.

Also, it was PvP, and according to the statistics (DataForAzeroth) only about 5% of the playerbase enjoys/engages with PvP regularly.

Sure, why not? I miss the endless forum complaints and arguments about PvP, rewards being withheld, rewards not being enough, rewards being TOO much, dying frequently, the parrot stinks, the transmog quality being bad because it’s pink, the cloth quality is poverty-level, the little child goblins in Undermine’s sweatshops can’t do a good hidden stitch, etc.

LOL, thats some nice made up statistics everyone I know plays wow at this point just to pvp.

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Must not be retail then, lol.

The data shows, PvP just ain’t that popular. Folks aren’t going for the rewards.

Meanwhile the M+ mount rewards all sit at around 25-30% collection rates, while PvP mounts sit at 4-5%.

There is still someone playing retail? It has been like 5bad expansions in a row.

Hey, it’s better than playing krusty klassic, and coming to the retail forums because the game is dead.

You do know, there’s a classic forum and this is not it lol.

Last I heard, they can’t even get battlegrounds to start in SoD, the population has dried so bad.

Well classic is so far now(anything past tbc is a lost cause), it’s just another retail, SoD = retail. So it’s just era left to play, which is not the worst, but phase 6 lock can be only enjoyed so much. Give us tbc fresh and classic fresh without boost/token/with perma bans for gold selling/buying. But blizz will never do that so at least give me Plunderstorm, because it was a fun balanced pvp with skillshots and quick games.

The mop remix having an end makes sense to me. It’s basically an expansion squeezed down. So instead of years, it’s a couple months.

Plunderstorm is not that, it felt more like a random battleground. Quick qued matches.

It is kindve surprising they didn’t leave it up.

Yeah obviously the volume of players will go down over time but it doesn’t take that many people to fill a lobby. Que times might not be instant but 5min is okay.

Personally I didn’t play plunderstorm much so idc but I could see the argument.

To be fair, Plunderstorm would be a nice change to remix right now after they made such a meal of it.

Everyone surrounds themselves with people they like, which typically bleed into certain stereotypes regarding what activities they prefer.

Another way to put it is like this:
Alright, everyone you know who play WoW play it for PvP.
Well, everyone I know play WoW for PvE.

Let’s say that you know enough people that you interact with on a regular basis to fill up a rated BG + some more. So you know 15+ people who enjoy PvP.
How many do you think I know who only play WoW for the PvE?
Don’t actually try to answer that, because I gave you an unfair assumption. You may know more people or I gave myself an unfair assumption by assuming you knew too many people. We cannot know how many people play the game for which activity, so we can only determine this by what seems to be the most popular and regularly attended activities outside of the group of people we individually know.

At which point PvE seems to be more popular than PvP by absolutely miles, but solo content in various different forms seem more popular than PvE by absolutely miles again. Even accounting for overlap though, there’s nothing to indicate that there’s a significant portion of players who engages with rated PvP regularly. Because yes, we have to quantify rated PvP differently than to that of unrated PvP, as unrated PvP fall into the solo-content category due to it being queueable (similarly to how LFR and non-follower dungeons are ‘solo’ content as well).

The reason Remix and Plunderstorm were (and are in Remix’ case) timed content is as to not permanently split the playerbase off into smaller and smaller chunks, each which would independently of each other speed up the rate of players who permanently stop playing.

OR tender. No tying trading cart tender to it and forcing people to do it if they want any hope of getting what they want with tender cart selections that frequently cost 3-5 times the amount you can earn in a month.

But who are we kidding? Blizzard cannot help themselves. If they bring it back they will tie forced things to it to drive up engagement metrics. They will put extra tender on playing it, they will tie cosmetics/titles to it in-game.

This is the WoW dev team here we are talking about. Their job is to drive up metrics for WoW not to create mini-games that are kind of WoW themed and require a sub to access.

If it exists as a separate mode it will have FOMO elements, it will have grinds and so on. What it always should have been was just another battleground available in-game with rewards you can earn doing pvp of any kind with maybe some initial bonus incentive to play it when it came out.

Making it available all the time without any “need” to do it is unacceptable to these devs. And if that upsets you then be upset at the devs not me. The company not me.

I’m against it returning because it must return with FOMO, with things tied to it, with forcing people like me who hate it to engage with it or miss out on trader tender which is in so short of supply.

Bring it back as a special battleground queue-able in-game somehow or not at all IMO. I like people being able to enjoy things, I don’t care that others like things I don’t like. What I care about is being forced to engage with things like this which I hate.

I mean I get that thinking.

Big “IF” inc

 it was added to the brawl rotation or even its own tab and Que-able from a logged-in character. Then it would act like a pretty standard BG match. No segmentation.

Its true, I am not a fan of PvP, and while I wouldn’t suggest removing it, if others enjoy it, its not something that is fun for me. And putting things like mounts into it is, for a collector like myself, a bit sad. I mean, its easy for PvP players to earn most PvE-accessible mounts, but not so easy for anyone who can’t handle PvP to get them. In PvE you are mostly just playing against the game, in PvP you are playing against other players who can be
taxing in their own special way.

At least it has achieved one thing for me: it has reduced my almost OCD-driven need to get a mount. Now I just get the ones I am more happy to work on, and ignore the others.

said no one ever.

Why? At the base fun level, it’s leagues better than plunderstorm, where the best winning meta was basically to avoid PvP until the very end.

Plunderstorm was like M+, due to the routing optimizations, with a tad of randomness from other players’ behavior and starting positions.

Remix is a fun way to get cool mogs and would have been a BLAST in PvP if it was tamer with the OP powers.

Also this:

And we need a citation for this:

According to a poll on this very forum, PvP is the most enjoyed activity losing only to M+ and only due to Reddit’s lobbying.

Also, if this is you data to measure rewards, it’s frankly terrible.
PvP mounts are much harder to get.

Go play fortnite. Also, it was a terrible experience when it comes to “skill shots” with even 120ms latency.

Because it was terrible and pretty much universally hated.
