Can we get plunderstorm back?

For the 1st time ever Blizz released a mod that was fun and had a good balance to it. Why did you had to remove it so soon?

After all these terrible versions of WoW like sod/cata/wotlk/mop remix/dragonflight. You finally made a breakthrough and made a decent game. Why did it had to go?


I think if they do, they should add guns, and make it WubG. Then I’d enjoy it.

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yes i would like to see plunderstorm return as well


i was actually thinking about having a game of plunderstorm the other day and realized it was gone.


I missed it, did plunder storm have pve?

If they do bring it back, please make it have its own tab in the Bnet launcher, i don’t want to see that logo flashing at me in the WoW character screen ever again lol


i would have liked if they did the same with the mists of pandaria remix too. i like my wow login screen clean.


Yes, it involved you running around, usually the edges of the area, scooping up currency of some sort and avoiding other players wherever possible.

It was one of the most boring events ever put in the game. I think Darkmoon Faire is more fun.


No, it was hot garbage.


They should make Plunderstorm its own game. No Wow Rewards tied to it. Give it rewards for Plunderstorm only, let people who enjoy it go ham. Then they can have it all year round.


So true. I found it fine but after getting 40 I never logged back on. I did not hate it but was something that I just did for the mogs and mounts. I enjoy MoP Remix way more than Plunderstorm.

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Im a mad collector, just got my 500 mount achievement, I have huge numbers of pets and toys and mogs and I have to say, you are a stronger person than me. There is no way I would endure that ‘experience’ even for mounts.


Meh I just focused on gathering the coins. Could get 2k+ every round so did not take to long to get to 40.

Yup. Makes perfect sense. Make 27 versions of wow active at one time so the main game just completely dies. Great idea.

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Only bad players played like that.

And the main game died long time ago.

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We need more Plunderstorm. Make it a ninja theme or something next and put a clown transmog in it so the diehard PvErs can justify why they are forced to get that clown outfit.

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I really dont see anything balanced when it comes to RNG

I have a hunch we will see it. I think these modes will pop up during the end of patches from now on.

Can we never have that trash back again.


Let’s spice it up a little. Make it its own Battleground. Make it so Plunder awards Honor and winning gives a ton of Conquest. I’m sure players would love that!