Can we get plunderstorm back?

Why? At the base fun level, it’s leagues better than plunderstorm, where the best winning meta was basically to avoid PvP until the very end.

Plunderstorm was like M+, due to the routing optimizations, with a tad of randomness from other players’ behavior and starting positions.

Remix is a fun way to get cool mogs and would have been a BLAST in PvP if it was tamer with the OP powers.

Also this:

And we need a citation for this:

According to a poll on this very forum, PvP is the most enjoyed activity losing only to M+ and only due to Reddit’s lobbying.

Also, if this is you data to measure rewards, it’s frankly terrible.
PvP mounts are much harder to get.

Go play fortnite. Also, it was a terrible experience when it comes to “skill shots” with even 120ms latency.