Can we get Phase 2 please

Can we get phase 2 please. We had plenty of time to lvl up toon and do all the in game stuff with such a small area. The pvp event was a nice try but now its just annoying with all the bots. Talking about bots when I die in the event there always a bot running back and forth on my body that Auto targets anyone who tries to spawn again.


Late jan-early feb. im still leveling alts


I agree p2 needs to come out within a week if you haven’t had time to make at least 4 alts with bis by now you never will.

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Keep cashing those unemployment checks, alt master.

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I am pretty content starved too…

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start a new hobby like knitting or crochet

Forums aren’t a fair place really to discuss this because 90% of people who post here are sweaty players.

I was on discord with a guy for a different game and we started talking about WoW SoD.
He said he’s been playing it and hasn’t played since 2005, I asked him if he’s done the raid and he said he hasn’t even made it to 25 yet.


Yes, we can.

I’m not personally in a hurry. I’m finding that there’s tons of stuff to do and explore, and I don’t feel as though there is nearly enough time to do it all.

At the same time, I’m looking forward to phase 2 and exploring that on the toons I decide to bring through it, though I do feel some sense of missing out on all the classes I have not tried and likely will never have the opportunity to try in Season of Discovery.



So just because some random guy in discord hasnt gotten to 25 yet, P2 shouldnt be released yet and everyone should wait for them to hit level cap, got it

PLENTY of people are, and have been, at max level, with SEVERAL alts for a long time now and the novelty of SoD is wearing off fast. Raiding BFD every 3 days on your main and alts is not very fun given the extremely limited skill set we have at 25.

Release P2 asap!

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Damn so you’re already full bis? Fully prepped for P2 with gold for mount and consumes for leveling? Already obtained all the runes and gotten rank 3 pvp?

Yes, i await your reply

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It’s coming the end of January, beginning of February.

You’re still not revered?


Try a different game for a few weeks.

Congrats, you play more than prob 75% of the people that are enjoying SoD. I have also obtained these achievements but I’m not in any rush Bc I’m having fun and I want SoD to last a while.

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They haven’t even give a date yet. Buckle up, it’s going to be awhile.

My personal guess? First week of Feb

Phase 2 Jan 23rd plz thank you Papa B

I have 2 25 that are rev and 1 is half geared with the other 2 pieces. I do think 3 months for each phase is what is needed.

All ita gonn do is reset after it ends. They will end these characters to a sibling server and redo the whole sod experience. Thats y i came back so each time it resets its a different experience

No announcement yet so I think it will be end of Feb at the earliest.