Can we get Phase 2 please

End of Feb?


No way.

Jan 25 please thank you :pray: :blush:.

Might even be in the start of march

Okay now you’re just trolling.


No im sadly not. It would be a bit drastic for blizzard to announce phase 2 with just a week or 2 advance right? I’m guessing they will give us at least 1 month heads up.

If they’re sticking to a 3 month cycle it would put it at the end of Feb. Tack on a few delays and it could be March.

lol what thinking you need bis and comsumes to level to 40 grow up

Well blizzard just announced the date. February 8th

You don’t, I making the point that there’s plenty to do until phase 2.

Like what?

Judgement day: This Week in WoW: January 8, 2024

As mentioned above

Go play another game. While you wait for P2. Jesus Christ.


Nice, no facts or ideas or suggestions. Just you thinking we care about your opiniated sentence.

Has anyone made a list of things you can currently (reasonably) do on your main in Phase 1 to prepare for Phase 2 while we have to wait? Made a couple alts and that was enough for me :slight_smile:

get a job tbh

I stated an idea (go play another game while you wait), fact (you’ve fixated on SoD), and suggestion (again, go play another game while you wait).

Go play another game. Folks acting like SoD is the only game to play; play 8+ hours a day, “finish it” and then whine that the next phase isn’t rushed out.

If Blizzard listened to them, SoD would be done by July.

So yes. Go play another game, and let the rest of us enjoy a leisurely stroll to 25.


But that was rude and I heard that before also touch grass and get a life and even get a job. Sadly I had a stroke when I was younger and money tight and I enjoy SoD. I am up to 7 25s so if your still not lvl 25 thats on you, Your going to be behind the rest of SoD. But we did get confirm for Feb 8th so yay. But I still have to wait almost a month lol.

I’m just enjoying other games. For many of us, SoD is not the only game we play.

And I understand that. but with the week a slow player can get to 25 faster can knock it out. I even I tried to start a new toon got it to 23 less then 20 hours. Thats also maxing Blacksmithing and almost maxed mining. Now sadly there is a bunch of bots that flooding the market with mats and gold or and there pvp bots farming lower lvls. The map is just to small atm. But with the 40cap the map will grow atleast.