Can we get more LGBT+ Pride pins on the store?

Wish my source was as solid as that, I only have facts and logic on my side.

:laughing: :raised_hands: :ok_hand:

Me, watching people respond to themselves on Alts: :upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face:


You think that’s my alt?

Lol wut?

Did I reply to you? My mistake if I did. It was directed @ thread overall.

Haven’t seen anyone respond to alts from what I can tell.

Tulnn is Talonel’s alt.


I bet you would like that… :rofl:

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Another source: trust me bro.

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I don’t bro :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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This just sounds like some right-wing blogger’s interpretation of the news.

First of all, Netflix telling people to quit if they don’t like what the company is putting out doesn’t reflect any sort of change in their attitude; they’ve published transphobic stuff in the past and have never removed it because employees found it objectionable or whatever. There’s no indication that it’s because their stock price went down.

Secondly, Netflix is known for cancelling shows early and often, so this basically doesn’t mean anything.

The fact that Netflix is choosing to focus more on low quality content such as stuff by transphobic boomers and boring sitcoms from a million years ago is probably because they’re worried boomers will switch to Disney Plus. The Witcher is probably the only good show that Netflix is producing atm, now that Ozark is over (plus it wasn’t that good in the first place—it was just a not-as-good version of Breaking Bad, and there was never a reason to watch it instead of Better Call Saul, which is in many ways a better version of Breaking Bad) and now that Bojack Horseman is gone


You don’t openly say it unless it’s exactly that.

Right, it means they knew they wouldn’t get the pull needed, aka the numbers, to help their bottom line.


Or the company was overcome with a sudden attack of good taste.


I’d actually like to see fewer companies jumping on the bandwagon and turning everything into Pride merch that’s only avalible during that time.

Pride gear made by the community is avalible year round just not when coorperations want to jump on the wagon.


And I knew someone would try and be a smart alec about it and then try to deflect. :laughing:

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Subway or Jimmy John’s ?

Everything corporations do is based on how their stocks are doing

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Of course they do and it doesn’t even have to be because they support it.

I honestly believe they would rather keep threads like the ones the OP makes up so that we all go at each other then talk about Blizz and the game itself.

Bit obnoxious to triple post. Just reply to quotes within one post, thanks.

YES!!! Great idea! We all need a rainbow unicorn! Blizz, listen to this guy! We do not need another Made in China merchandise. I am trying so hard to avoid buying anything made in China.

Blizz should just give in and post “Ok, good idea, we will add that right away” and then lock the topic.

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