Can we get more LGBT+ Pride pins on the store?

Wrong unfortunately, I would have liked to seen some studies to back up your claim, as it stands the onus of proof is on you, but you were too lazy or too wrong or both
:rainbow_flag: :us:

Unfortunately, I’m still correct. I mean you keep repeating the same thing but you haven’t countered it yet. I mean, speaking of lazy…

:us: :nail_care:


So show your evidence, but you won’t!
:us: :rainbow_flag: :v: :nail_care:

You’re wrong!
No I’m right!
No, I’m right, you’re wrong!
No, you’re wrong about that, I’m right!

Nui the Observer is the winner in this match of wits.


Neither will you but I’m still correct lol.

:us: :nail_care: :joy:

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You’re the one who made the claim not me ‘hero’

I didn’t enter your thread and claim that conservatives are responsible for police brutality

See this is why I think we need to step away from over-progression. When people reach a point where they became afraid to step on each other’s toes then it ends up creating a lot of disconnection and discontent that it ends up hurting the very heart of what the social movement once represented.

Like, it’s just a rainbow, everyone should be able to enjoy it in their own way without it turning into something else or having to step into the entire socio-political minefield of who is appropriating what by people who are trying to become judge, jury, and executioner.

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I never made any claim, only stated a fact. If you want evidence, go check the Blizzard store. Not seeing anything yet, eh?


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Sure and conservatives are upholding racist police in america. Source: Trust me bro!

You and your alts are responsible for most of the anti-LGBT+ harassment on these forums and you aren’t even one of us. When are you going to stop this nonsense charade?


I have no idea, I never made that claim either. Starting to run out of material or something?

Man, these nails are looking spectacular.

Yeah, that’s because I just made the claim- Sorry stated a FACT. Try to keep up buddy.
Btw source: Trust me bro!

Make all the claims you want, in the end, I’ll be sitting here correct and, well, you won’t be.


I stated a fact, not a claim.

That’s neat but it wasn’t related to the thread. Earth is also the third planet from the Sun. It’s a fact, but it’s also irrelevant, just like what you posted.
:joy: :nail_care:

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It’s not just neat but also a fact
:rofl: :v: :rainbow_flag:

Yeah, it was neat that it was a fact. What’s more neat is I still don’t care and you are still wrong.

:joy: :nail_care: :us:

Nope, you are wrong here unfortunately for you
:v: :rainbow_flag: :us_outlying_islands: :joy:

Unfortunately for you, I’m actually correct and have been correct the entire time.

What’s it like being so wrong all the time? Must be weird.

:rofl: :nail_care: :us: :raised_hands:

Nope, I’m right here. Source: Trust me bro!