Can we get more LGBT+ Pride pins on the store?

I think what they are saying is they don’t want people to see their rainbows, assume they are LGBT, and then harass them because of it. They don’t want a bullseye put on them. Which, I guess is fair enough. I live in a conservative state/town and I see rainbow stickers on cars and whatnot all the time, but I do not wear any pride flair myself. I don’t know if people get harassed because of their stickers or pins. I assume it happens but not often.

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Ahh so no data provided, not even a link whatsoever. As expected!

What Nui said.

But (also) some (not all) members of the LGBTQ+ community may think I’m “appropriating” rainbow colors and trying to “steal their rainbow”, when I’m not.

It’s both sides. It’s assumed I’m parading around in rainbow colors, and I’m judged for “oh, she must be one of them LGBTQ+, people” and when I state I just like rainbows, now I’m “appropriating” LGBTQ+ colors. I can’t win.

Even though, I seem to know A LOT more about the rainbow history than those judging me for appreciating rainbow colors and displaying them just because. Now, I’m an “enemy”, for BOTH sides, for NOT utilizing rainbow colors the way others want me to. That’s a problem.

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Can we get a straight pride month?

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Speaking of some rainbow history, I believe Skittles has a slogan: “taste the rainbow”.

Surprisingly I would be ok with this. :rainbow:

Way to miss the point. Have straight people been shamed for being straight to the degree gay people have? Has being straight ever been a literal crime punished by imprisonment and even death? Have straight people been denied the right to marry or just basic services simply for being straight?


I knew somebody was going to respond to that question with this kind of answer :laughing:

Father’s Day is (funny enough) in June. What’s the “sob story” for us celebrating that :thinking:

If you get that, I want my Senior Citizen discount. I deserve special treatment too!


I’m just bitter because Pride Month has taken over my birthday month. IK how December babies feel, when their birthday month is taken over by Christmas.

Nope, just like you.

Two peas in a pod. At least I’m still correct though, unlike yourself.


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Sorry, but kick boxers do not use their shins to kick, that would be Muay Thai, kick boxers use their feet to kick.

I only point this out because you seem confused.


And you keep on telling yourself that to help you sleep at night, ‘hero’

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I sleep just fine, ‘sweetheart.’

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Yeah because it’s like I implied, you tell yourself what you need to feel like you need to believe in order to sleep
:joy: :v: :rainbow_flag:

Nah, I mostly sleep fine knowing I’m correct and you aren’t. Don’t need to tell myself anything, you do that for me.

:joy: :wave: :nail_care:

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And that’s where you went wrong champ

And that’s where I went right, champ.

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Gonna mute this thread, now. The OP is only interested in arguing with people.

On that note, I’m fine with more rainbows, being in the game :rainbow:

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Step 1: Stop spamming the wow forums and do it yourself.
Step 2: Draw a design shape.
Step 3: Scan it.
Step 4: Pay 50 dollars for Adobe Creative Suite.
Step 5: Convert your line art to black and white in Photoshop.
Step 6: Trace it in Illustrator.
Step 7: Expand the trace, delete the white.
Step 8: Make a vector pride flag.
Step 9: Be sure to use the right colors. Color correctness is important. Recommend buying a pantone cmyk booklet, costs about 200 dollars.
Step 10: Put line art under the flag and size the flag.
Step 11: Use the cut/subtract/I forgot the name tool to cut the flag into your design.
Step 12: Turn the outlines black again. Merge them.
Step 13: Find a lapel pin factory. I use one with ethical certifications overseas via Alibaba.
Step 14: Send art. Get quote.
Step 15: Run a successful kickstarter.
Step 16: Order pins.
Step 17: Label them and send the right number to fulfillment by Amazon.
Step 18: Ship to backers.
Step 19: Buy web hosting and domain.
Step 20: Build a website.
Step 21: Photograph and list your products. Link to Amazon. Put it for sale on Amazon.
Step 22: Send the rest labeled and ready to amazon so your customers can get prime shipping. Customers like their shipping fast.

It’s really easy, you don’t need a video game company to make lapel pins. That’s really out of their scope.