Can we get more LGBT+ Pride pins on the store?

Your post still is relying on a lot of conjecture and speculation. Sorry but I can’t take ‘trust me bro’ as a source.

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Speculation on what? You haven’t wondered why so many companies have suddenly gone radio silence on LGBT issues?

Trying to use corporations as a platform for your social issues is an effort in futility. They will always shift based on their own profit margins. None of these companies are progressive, all you have to do is look at how they are treating Union efforts, Activision/Blizzard included.


Sorry, you tried but I’m not convinced.

Correlation doesn’t automatically equate to causation, I tried to see your side of it but I will need some empirical evidence for me to take you seriously.

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I tried to do what? What exactly have I tried to do?

You don’t have to take me seriously, I’m just pointing out the cold reality lol.

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You tried to convince me, keyword tried unfortunately as I can’t take “trust me bro” as a credible source.

If you say so :crazy_face:

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More than welcome to point out what I tried to convince you of.

I do say so, thank you.

Now prove it.

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What is that trying to convince you of? You still haven’t answered the question lol.

Also, prove what? You can do that yourself based on your own thread and the fact nothing is happening lol.

Lol, you tried to convince me of the above. I don’t believe that corporations displaying progressive acts waxes and wanes based on stocks.


Which part is trying to convince you of something?

I mean it does, just how it works.

So show the data to back up your claim, or keep trying to weasel your way out of it


sell me more things please and let me buy and consume these things let me please


The data of falling stock prices and companies not focusing on progressive issues anymore? More than welcome to go see how much Disney is talking about right now. Oh, wait…

Edit: Almost forgot


Etsy exists.


Don’t really wanna add anything to the discussion other than that I’m here for the manicure. Lemme paint my nails too



Those are my busted toenails.


Nothing is stopping you. And it doesn’t have to mean you’re part of the community, people literally use it to show they are allies.

Do what you want.


Except harassment.

But fox news told me all corporations are socialist :exploding_head:

Who is harassing you? Again, you don’t have to be part of the community for the rainbow. If anyone asks, you can literally just say you’re an ally(You said you have no issue with LGBT+ people).