Can we get more LGBT+ Pride pins on the store?

So you don’t want to be know for what kind of person you are ?

You don’t want to be known if you are a good friend , an honest person or a hard worker .
Things like that that make up a persons character . You just want to be known and judged based on what you are lbgtq+ ?

There is neve going to be any progress with people like you (not saying the entire lgbtq+ community ) until you and others with your mind set start going we are more then just our gender identities or preferences .

Mate, you’re such a liberal, you went straight to gun laws without understanding why we have access to guns in the first place, and why your “Brilliant ideas” don’t stop criminals, because those laws or rules in place only stops honest people. You couldn’t even do your own research on what equality or anything actual LGBT related other then corporate merch.

Any normal person can tell you that making gun laws stricter wouldn’t stop criminals from breaking the law and it only stifles our freedom. Only people who want to take away our freedoms says this is a good idea. And considering you liked a tool that was inspired by Anita Sarkeesian, you fit your bill here.

Not to mention, this has nothing to do with LGBT anyways. I don’t know why you even bought up school shootings or gun laws in a thread where not even Talonel was talking about that. Pretty sure that’s derailing though… :point_down:

making off topic posts that ruin the thread

Apparently keeping people’s freedom while keeping schools safe are trolling now… :man_facepalming:

You know for somebody who tells me the left is logical… all i’m seeing you is using you feelings and going “No you’re wrong” without ever correcting or proving yourself or don’t know what burden of proof is with this cult like thinking here.

Tulln, i say this with the most upmost respect as possible, liberal to liberal, you and your ilk, are a fine enough example of what not to do in the future. Heck, you even somehow make the right wingers look better in comparison and that was all done by you and all the other extremists like you.

Anybody can profit off a bad example.

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Yes and no, gun bans have proven to work in other countries, but here in freedumb land we would never ban them. Stricter laws may help a bit but does not get to the heart of the issue.


I’m not that other imposter who thinks they are a high elf.

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That’s understandable on why somebody would say that, but i think what were forgetting is other countries don’t work like ours (USA). What works in something like Korea or Japan, wouldn’t work exactly in USA.

…So what should we propose then? :man_shrugging:

Nah nah, This DK Talonel is the good Talonel triplet.

OP is the evil triplet.

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Yes, freedumb gets in the way every time. It could work but the amount of changes and riots that would take place in the effort is not worth it.

A good place to start would be poverty. Take away the stress of living pay check to pay check even at minimum wage I bet you would see crime drop like a rock. Everything from petty theft, domestic violence, to even mass shootings.


Because the idea behind USA is freedom. Vote whoever you want, say whatever you want, pray for whoever you want, buy whatever you want, be anything you want, and the government won’t stop you.

It’s like Steam, only messyier.

A fine enough idea to start with.

What’s really funny is that the biggest issue on a lot of people’s minds in recent elections has been the totally fabricated issue of teachers supposedly brainwashing kids into being gay and/or trans and also embracing “critical race theory,” and now they think requiring those same teachers to carry firearms and do the police’s job in the event of another shooting somehow makes more sense than just making it harder to get guns!

How do you do this every time you post? These are two clearly separate issues, do you think teachers following a curriculum are mentally ill shooters, because that is what you are saying here.

You tend to overblow issues all the time and combine them when it makes zero sense to, and wonder why people can’t take you seriously?

It’s a fine idea, what makes it dumb is it’s corruptible and clearly many have taken advantage of that freedom. Maybe a bit less freedom’s and a bit more balance could calm some of the chaos. When freedom favors those that can buy it we have a problem.

Good example of this would be campaign contributions, or those using their own wealth to land in office or manipulate that office. Laws that made it illegal to do so would help balance those that make policy. To some this may sound a bit conspiracy theory but it’s no secret that many in office are already well off, as well as given much more by investing parties.

Israel has arguably the most dangerous environment for schools. Yet zero school shootings. Lets do what they did.

No state is “requiring” armed teachers. A few states have provided a heavily training option for teachers to carry if the teacher desires.

Individual freedom is the only option for humanity.

No, I’m saying right-wingers are ridiculous for believing right-wing lies about what is taught in K-12 and also thinking the key to stopping future shootings is not to do what every other developed nation does about gun violence and instead to just make teachers carry guns!

What does that exactly mean to you?

Makes sense to me. I think critical thinking is a skill that’s acquired over time. Maybe you just haven’t developed it yet? Because it’s clear what point he just made.

I still think you’re wrong and I’m not going to read your word salad accusing me of this and that. I’ll be waiting for your next reply to be a novel, just remind me to get my reading glasses!

It’s kind of subversive to force the Chinese to make the merch, in a way.

Tuulnn is a far right supporter this much is true as shown below.

Not American, and still I get this more than you do.


The rest of us: Ok slow down one issue at a time, why feel the need to lump critical race theory into the firearm epidemic.

Where did critical thinking come in? They were talking teacher teaching CRT and attempting to say why arm these people.

I get you love to take digs, so here’s one for you. You fail at reading comprehension once again.

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