Can we get more LGBT+ Pride pins on the store?

arathi basin is fun

All you’re asking for is having pride items added to the gear store. Physical items to celebrate two things you love. I don’t understand why you were flagged. Even my Pride shirt thread was flagged (but fortunately it was unflagged).

People say they don’t want to see things added into the game, and now they don’t want things added outside the game? This is getting a little crazy.

Please stop pushing conspiracy theories. I’m not interested in debating with you on something that’s not true. Others have the same opinion as I do, get used to it. :roll_eyes:

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Haven’t done it in ages, why not let go of previous threads? Why do you need to carry on labeling people throughout just for disagreeing?

I am harassing no one, and I am offended you are putting this out there. You have an issue of putting false statements out there, which I corrected and this is an attack to you?

You need a break.

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Take your own advice and stop coming back to this thread just to stir the pot. It’s clear we have different opinions, so let’s leave it at that :blush:

I’ll take my own advice and continue to take part in general discussion as I see fit.

Could you possibly attempt to stop telling people what to do and think? Or stop labelling like you did once again to me here:

You see, again as I have told you countless time, I respect everyone, but you. You lost all my respect in every thread you appear in where I see you label people of the community you swear to defend as phobic for merely disagreeing with you.

I encourage you to post where I have been against anyone in the LGBTQ, because I never have. I have no problems at all with anyone, but when you call me phobic for merely stating that there is no homophobia in wow and bringing pride into the game would make no sense, since you are celebrating freedom from oppression in real life, which does not fit into the game where you experience zero of this.


Could we get all the ridiculous T-Team threads merged into one mega-thread and make their new threads require a moderator review to make sure it’s not another incitement thread? This way the rest of us can mute one thread and then never see the nonsense again. Asking for a friend.


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You know what I don’t believe any of your posts are made in good faith anymore. Because after all if you sincerely believed any of what you were saying you wouldn’t continuously WITHOUT FAIL bump each and every one of these threads you claim to despise.

No that fairy mog is enough


You have a fitting name. Also you don’t get to decide what’s enough

You’re never interested in debating with anything you disagree with. … Then again, you’re not interested in debating at all to begin with it seems.

Plus you seem to have a habit of being incredibly defensive while at the same time, thinking somebody is wrong. Have you not heard of the phrase “if it doesn’t apply, let it fly.”? Because you honestly need to learn it after being triggered from being called “Talonel” when Alakhai didn’t even call you that. And no, “All the time” is not a reasonable justification for that, nor holds any truth since it’s just exaggeration.

All 1 person and they happen to be a bully. Gosh, i wonder who that is? Gasp, i know, it begins with a T and their an elf and happened to be an evil twin in Frostmourne. :open_mouth:

But that would mean he has to know what burden of proof actually means!! :scream: /j

I support this. Honestly you (Zandrae) here unite straight with LGBT and vice versa here without being hateful like Talonel and Tulln here. :slight_smile:

Honestly, everything we have is enough, because LGBT aren’t rainbow loving stereotype tokens like Tulln and Talonel thinks, LGBT are real people who loves the same things we do. Heck, i bet they don’t understand that Straight people love rainbows too. Really any color can represent anybody, straight or LGBT.

It’s like people are people and they rather be united then segregated. :open_mouth: :open_hands: :rainbow:


I mean do i get something for being straight ? Like straight pride items ?

No, but i understand what point you were trying to go for. It’s the same point as i was going for with my "LGBT aren’t rainbow loving stereotype tokens " comment and adding on that having items only because you’re a certain thing is not only kind of bigoted, but a bit selfish if the person is asking for them.

The point of the pride is to stop bigotry against LGBT+. Not give free little kickknacks because somebody asked for them because their a certain thing.

But people for some reason, thinks getting stuff means the vendor or person who gave the stuff away, are fighting bigotry. And if they aren’t doing that, then suddenly they aren’t fighting bigotry. Because they can’t buy them.

I mean if it’s about giving clean drinking water, food, shelter, or footing their medical bills, i can see their point… But were talking about pins and shirts.

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Well thats whats on the forums constantly seem like everyone is asking for pride items , i think those pride items and a bigger target if people are bullying LGBT people … iv meet alot of LGBT people and they alway make it known and then they wonder why they get bullied

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I agree with this. I don’t like flamboyance and in your face, as it does more harm than good.
The problem with the OP and his “friends” shove their opinions where they are not needed or wanted and “act” shocked and offended when there is blowback. If they wasn’t so hostile and spammy, their requests would have some merit. It’s their combative attitudes which destroy any message they might have.

There is some merit in low key and calm.


Ok, sorta on and off topic.

I wish they would make some augmented reality pins. I ordered some Street Fighter 2 ones for my hubby, and was officially the coolest wife ever.

They are so neat! You scan them with and app and they come to life on the phone, his with gameplay music and fighting actions.

I would love for Blizzard to release something like that!


This. Thank you.

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Not to mention, they try to get people to care about it… and when that happens… they actually get angry at people caring about it. Like Tulnn saying i’m convincing that the LGBT is bad… for putting in LGBT charity links, or telling somebody off with their elitist “ha ha you’re poor!” attitude.

You would love to see it. :man_facepalming:


I have already seen the charity list and noted a few I like. :smile: Honestly I find it kind of selfish and a bit crappy to request trinkets for donations. If you are serious about a cause or issue, you shouldn’t have to be “bribed” to make a contribution.

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