Can we get more LGBT couples in game?

Is entitlement just some buzzword people use now when others want something you don’t like?

Either way - We’re not asking the Straights™ for permission. We’re actually taking over Blizzard dev by dev and are going to make all of WoW LGBT. It’s already begun! Evil laughter


Look seriously I only think of 1.5 hetro couples in WoW

Thrall and his wife then tyrande and what ever the hell malf is, clearly some type of useless owl stuck in a net

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People keep saying this, and we keep listing all of the ways they are wrong.

Anyway, we done playing that game. Either scroll up - Or like. Look around for 30 seconds in WoW.

I’m not doing work for that because I don’t care about the characters in the games love life

Agreed I also don’t keep a tally on this stuff and think it should be written organically.

That’s fine if you don’t flaunt it, but some people do and that’s also okay.

I don’t think any of the gays actually think that its their gayness that makes them special. Of course doing great deeds could make you “exceptional” in the eyes of many. That doesn’t make it wrong for people who like to embrace their gayness or celebrate the gayness of others to be open about it even if you choose not to participate. It doesn’t make you any better either way.

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Ok? Do you need directions out of the thread then? You seem lost.

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I’m sorry… but I’m over it… I’m sick of all the ham fisted forced LGBT crap in TV, Comics and video games… it’s enough already… And if they MUST put one in to appropriately virtue signal… then make a NEW character, what is the obsession with taking pre-existing characters LGBT? No need to leverage the popularity of a known character, let a new one gain it’s own popularity.


Anyway that’s what they did with Flynn and Palegos and people were still upset.

So like.

For some reason.

We just can’t seem.

To win.

It’s weird.

Wonder why that is.

Maybe we can all think together.

For as to why.

That might be.


lore character power levels are mega dumb. One moment malfurion and Tyrande can’t even take down nathanos together. The next we are supposed to believe that both of them are mega stronk.

He also dresses like a furry

And somehow this idiot that has failed everything ever in WoW pretty much blew up half the legion by being a total chad

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In all honesty it’s probably really because if all the faction leaders could use all the power they are supposed to have. Every conflict would be over in like 2 days.

Yea those are the most memorable for most. Though I personally can never erase the weird dragon stuff that happens in this game. Like Kalec dating a female incarnation of the sunwell. Then he also dates Jaina because she reminds him of the incarnation of the sunwell. o.o

I remember the lesbians in dragon blight

I think that’s legit the only 2.5 couples I can think of

Wait; the waycrests!

I’m also pretty sure then princes in ICC were in a 3 way couple

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Well we have humans and we have elves in this boat already, wheres my lesbian pandaren star crossed lovers with one working for the horde and the other working for the alliance and trying to make their cross faction tryst work in the shadowlands? :neutral_face:

I mean if your going to force it at least make it interesting and make sense.

Not an LGBT pair, but I’m pretty sure we already have Ji and Aysa to fill that role. Or we would, provided Blizz ever acknowledged them.

Inventing new characters to fill a role already filled by two ignored characters would be a bit disingenuous, I think.

Don’t you just love that your life is inherently political for some reason?

Like we can’t just exist.

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Ah yes because when my mom was gutted like a fish to birth me ( she jokes about it like that ) I came out with a chainsaw in my tiny baby arms going “GAAAAAAAAAAAY MARRIAAAAGE”

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Oh yes, well that’s just the quintessential LGBT experience.

I personally came out with a meat cleaver and butcher knife, but everyone is a little different.

Ray ray seems to have an issue with furries and like

Furries are awesome people? I’d take them over you any way lol

That type of trolling is so boring.

Anyway cute idea. I dunno if Shaw and Flynn are the type for wearing visible rings but I thought it’d be cute if they instead wore rings on a necklace so they can hide it if they want. Sound good?