Can we get more LGBT couples in game?

I mean that’d be nice not gonna lie. But like I said I like what Blizz has been setting up in shadowlands. I’d be okay if it was just that level of lgbt of rep for each expansion.

Having the surprise of Pelagos, a trans guy, was just such a lovely present. I’m not really used to seeing trans men rep. Usually folks go the MtF route for that so we’re a bit overshadowed.

So I wasn’t really prepared and it was just a nice warm fuzzy feeling.

Blizz has been mega gentle with this “forced” representation tho

It’s very hard to explain to someone who is traditionally well represented in media why representation matters.

I’ll try to state a few key points, but am no expert in it.

-Media shapes perception. LGBT representation is on the rise, but often we are still confined to very strict roles - Or are expendable. “Bury your gays” is a trope for a reason. Additional, while more positive examples now exist, “Bad” characters were often what is known as queer coded. So not only were they the villan, but part of what made them the villan was that they were not heteronormative. Here is a good video to help explain more of the history behind it. All of this helped to feed the narrative that LGBT people are inherently bad and has fed in to how people perceive the community, especially when not actively part of it. So, asking for positive representation is not only a form of self validation for those already out, but also for those who might still be in closet to know that things on the other side of the metaphorical box our minds and circumstances traps us in, isn’t all that bad! If you need a real world (Tho not LGBT example) look at the outpouring after Chadwick Boseman died and the impact he had on black children who were used to seeing the Chris, Chris, Chris, and Chris’ of the world portray super heroes.

It also serves to help shape perceptive of society as a whole. Something that SHOULD be so benign as a character…being gay…is met with intense push back with any number of excuses for as to why they should not exist. Our existence is seen as something political, or wanting points instead of something that just…is. You won’t see the same level or type of backlash to “I want more Tauren content!” (Not that comparing fictional races to real people is a great thing to do BUT ALAS HERE I AM)

In the end, LGBT people may seem ravenous because in reality we’ve been fed scraps for years and been told to just accept it - I’m over that. We want more, and are done politely waiting.

I might be rambling but does…does that help?


See I get cynical for the business side of blizz. But the other half of blizz is just the employees wanting to do cool stuff. So if the writers are actually trying like they are here, I think that’s very sweet.

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God I hate that trope so bloody much.

That was fun in disney tho since one of the guys in charge of overseeing character animation was openly gay. Hence why Scar was fabulous

This is exactly what i was looking for! thank you…i feel like they are poorly written in most of the shows they’re in being brought down to a more stereotypical thing…but i was super stoked for Klaus for example in umbrella academy i felt it was done well…anyways thank you for giving me more to think about

It’s also why many LGBT people end up liking the villains in stories. Because they are meant to represent us!

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Villains are a lot easier to relate to.

Find an LGBT player and become your own couple.

That is the dream…

There seems to be a high volume of lg people in this game. Thats not surprising being how friendly toward those segments blizzard has been. Theres two races that are love letters to the gay community.

Only 2? That’s coward talk.

Maybe more are but kt male- bears, bloodelf male- queens.

Wow way to forget the rest of the spectrum – where are the otters, wolves, twinks and the rest of the animal kingdom?

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Wow those are things I didn’t even know existed!

Smh, do u even know what LGBTQIAAPD means?

No this is beyond my ken.



It’s okay I had to google it myself, and I’m gay. :crying_cat_face:

I also had to add some letters because the ones I found after Googling were missing some.

Reminds me how artists tend to draw Shaw not quite as BEEF as his in game model so he’s a cute otter


Also in search of the full acronym I found a variant on the Wikipedia that was “QUILTBAG” and I lost it. “Yes hello, I’m part of the QUILTBAG community”

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