Can we get more LGBT couples in game?

I’m just picturing my lock singing this to pelagos


Oh it’s a bop!

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The original is a guilty pleasure. I’m just a glutton for Jonathan Young covers lol

I feel that.

It’s a weird choice, but I love the Bells of Notre Dame by him lol

That’s the good stuff

And dangit you took all my likes lol. I’m out for awhile.

Ah well worth it.

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Of course the two tumblrinas would turn a thread about that particular community into their personal echo chamber.

I take them all. They are mine! You can’t have them back!

Always fun to make new buddies

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That one tends to invade any thread regarding this topic and proceeds to play the holier than thou thought police while turning the thread into their own Tumblr blog.

It’s true! I found someone super cool just because we got to talking about beef elves on Reddit.

If trolls come out to Harass LGBT I’ll appear and troll them right back hahaha.


A genuine question, not trolling and no hate behind it…but why do y’all feel the need to be represented in everything? Half of you come off as super entitled…and given the representation LGBT in most media/films/series/games etc on the rise exponentially over the last decade…when did the LGBT community turn into this all devouring “We must be represented in everything or it’s homophobic or we’re invalidated” ? Just curious, as i’m not opposed to blizzard doing so, but the way i’ve seen people go about it, rub people the wrong way and i feel like that’s what people have an issue with.

If anyone could help me understand i’d appreciate it.

Never really liked Wrathion and Anduin, people want Anduin to be gay just because he isn’t a “manly man”.


I could ask the same thing with non lgbt

Can also say that to non lgbt

I agree, and i don’t want to sound rude but that wasn’t what i was asking. In my mind given the het is the majority it makes sense it would be the majority but maybe i’m wrong in thinking that way.

Well imagine seeing stuff you can’t relate to for a good chunk of your life. You’d get so bored. Like stuck eating the same thing for years and people get all mad when you “have the nerve” to ask “can I please have this instead?”

But non lgbt aren’t dealing with it so they don’t understand how it feels


Not that i think it matters but i play for both teams so to speak, so maybe i’m not as affected by it than others…i do understand both sides though, both think the other is entitled…but am i wrong in saying the inclusiveness on the LGBT side of things with the things people consume has exploded in the last decade so? …i feel like people of the community would be happy about this but instead it seems the opposite

Honestly I think a lot of it is just “Dude we’re fed up with waiting”. That’s how I personally feel about it.

I’m happy with what Blizz is doing lately with shadowlands. It’s a bit funny they’re being super gentle with it and yet non lgbt are all “WAAAAA THIS IS SO FORCED”

God there’s a joke I wanna make regarding being gentle but I’d be yeeted off the platform so fast

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Is the goal then to be represented in everything then? honestly if i had not hopped on the forums i’d 120% be happy with what they’re doing but reading these threads (i know no one is forcing me to) is not healthy for me.

not everyone wants to see forced representation.

The goal as far as I am concerned is to ask for more. Ultimately none of us can ever force the devs(or producers of any media) to add lgbt+ if they dont want to. However, it is clear there is a markey for more lgbt+ theme media or even have more lgbt+ representation in media.

The cynical side of me knows money is at the root of it but so be it. If it mean I get more media I want to consume that I want to consume then that works for me.