Can we get more LGBT couples in game?

Readers remind me of animators. You got your character animators and then you got ones that excel at effects animation. Like fire n stuff.

Some readers LOVE just seeing characters banter. Some really dig world building.

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Not a book but I always loved listening in Dragon Age Origins to Morrigan’s snarky comments as Alistair tried to insist that he’s not an idiot.

and in the following games I absolutely have to have Varric around for the banter.


Oh dragon age is always great for banter

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There isn’t a more fabulous version yet
but once we’re done with it

There are more “
” when I wrote this. Stop removing all my 

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It’s like when people try to pull the “being gay is a choice” thing

If it were a choice. I’d be gayer

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4% of the US population identifies as LGBT. So wouldnt the Shaw, Flynn romance cover that woth how few characters we have?

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Mate aviela is a constant troll with these threads. Don’t bother responding to them

Honestly we need less couples period
 This isn’t the sims, who cares who is with who. This is the kind of stuff that ruined the new Star Wars trilogy

Nah the fanbase ruined star wars

I would say an obvious lack of planning of where the trilogy was going is what ruined it.

but we’ve got the Mandalorian now which is amazing.


Well if we’re going that route, the fanbase just reacted to the garbage they were given
 Mandalorian seems to be doing just fine without all that drama.

Who is Amelia?

Anywho, before Shaw thing – Anduin and Wrathion seemed like, honestly, the most real. Especially because Black Dragons have a history of toying with human nobles (Perenolde, Prestor/Bolvar) - like, come on, it has a consistency routed in history hahaha
 plus uwu black draggo daddy.

We need more straight white characters. Not enough


The fanbase got older. Gatekeeped the heck out of it. Then got massively butt hurt

A old fanbase like that can become mega toxic

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Not going to say you’re wrong
 Keep the fanbase happy = $$$
 Imagine if the movies were actually good. Toy sales go up, home video sales go up, and Disney wouldn’t have had to resort to throwing Rise of Skywalker on Disney+ so early. The new trilogy was a bungled mess of a missed opportunity.

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Toy sales are important. I’ve read thats why great shows like Young Justice were originally cancelled. high ratings, but the demo ended up being girls who didn’t buy the toys.

:confused: Media is dumb sometimes.

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“The gays want
what?” That made me snort

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The only couple I want to see in game is my fist and a dragon’s face!

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