Can we get more flair abilities?

Not sure about the rogue leaning one. Bit unfair

Warlocks could maybe practice some demon summon sigils in the air in front of them

I’m not your pal, buddy.

I fixed it though, much respect.

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mage makes water

How about:
Warlock consults an eldritch tome, and draws a fel sigil in the air. Unknown to them, something big and horrible starts reaching out of a portal behind them. The warlock, annoyed at the apparently ineffective sigil, swats it away in disgust, causing the big horrible thing to painfully and angrily get sucked back into the portal it came from, which disappears just as the warlock turns, wondering what that noise was.


I like your ideas.

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we really need more ways to interact with our demons on warlocks, currently the only real interaction we have outside of combat is asking the demons about the fel tome for the green fire quest

You stole my reference but better…
/mutters in old man