Can we get more flair abilities?

Kinda like paladin contemplation. Maybe rogue can get an emote to lean against things, hunter could pet their pet, shaman could cast a little rain cloud or something.


Give me a cosmetic Water Elemental for my mage.


is that a jojo reference lol


Lol it wasn’t. I saw Shaw leaned up against a wall with his arms crossed and I got jealous.

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How about wearable Flair trousers?


This would be awesome. When I played dps I often had emote macros to interact with my pet, but it always felt hollow just standing there and not actually doing anything. I want to play fetch (they can do it), or when I /sleep I want to lay down with my pet as a pillow. Makes me miss the days of having to feed your pet to keep them happy.


I want to be able to shake my fist in anger at my imp, who cowers in fear in response, like a proper villain-and-henchman duo.

You could even apply it to the other demons, I suppose.
The voidwalker… wouldn’t care.
The succubus would laugh, then wag a finger at you.
The felhunter would growl, giving the warlock second thoughts.
The felguard would hang his head in shame! Shaaaaaame!


I’d love for my imp to be able to ride around on my back or shoulder, like a capuchin monkey, or carry him around on my hip like a toddler. I often imagine my imp to be of a similar mindset of a toddler. Go loot stuff and bring it back to me.


You know what, Stan, if you want me to wear 37 pieces of flair, like your pretty boy over there, Brian, why don’t you just make the minimum 37 pieces of flair?


For Death Knights:

Blood spec: nearby objects and walls start bleeeeeeeeding
Frost spec: nearby objects and ground get icy. Critters get frozen in blocks of ice.
Unholy spec: small plants sprout nearby, only to wither and die. Critters cough pathetically and keel over.


I don’t want to TOUCH my imp. Do you know where he’s been? I do, and I DON’T recommend touching him.

Here’s one for demon hunters:
They involuntarily metamorph, and their demon form looks around eagerly like “Yes! FREEDOM!” only to cough violently as it’s forcefully turned back into normal elf form. Which then attempts to casually brush off their near-possession as no big deal, happens all the time >_>



I don’t know where yours has been but mine is required to be clean and fresh at all times. None of that sulfur smell and demon shenanigans.

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That just means he gets up to it when you’re not looking. And considering what they do when you ARE looking, that’s saying something.

One for druids:
When they /sleep, bits of glowy green plants start appearing from the Emerald Dream. The longer they sleep, the more appear. You just know swarms of druids would gather up in town, fall asleep, and turn the whole place into one big garden.


We still have the option to have flowers grow around our feet when we stand still for extended periods of time :slight_smile:


That gives me an idea for hunters standing around with their pets. After a period of inactivity, the pet comes over for kisses and cuddles while the hunter tries to fend them off. A particularly worrying problem when your pet is a zombie dinosaur or giant hairy whateverthehellaclefthoof is.


So true! :joy::sob:

Blizzard we want more idle animation and emote/spell interactions with the world around us!!


Do monk and rogue next scuzza!


You all need some of the RP addons in your life. You can program them so that your pets do throw random emotes out into the world when they are summoned. It’s quite fun. They have pre-written actions, but you can add in your own too. The addon will then randomize and post every 15 minutes or so.

I would love for cute little RP things like this.