Can we get more flair abilities?

But the pet is still just standing there and not actually doing anything. We want them to actually do it.

How cool would it be for your tiger to walk up to you and rub his body against your leg and purr.


Yeah. 50% of wish fulfillment is the best they do sadly.

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Letā€™s seeā€¦
Monk: Appears to start meditating, only to obviously nod off and drool a little. Then gets startled awake and tries to play it off like they were one with the universe and not snoring.

Rogue: Super casually starts tossing a knife up in the air like a badass. After a few successful tosses, very-nearly-almost impales their hand. Gulps, looks around, and sloooowly puts the knife back in a pocket while whistling innocently.

Bonus: warrior
Stands around cracking their knuckles, looking increasingly pissed at not having anything to kill right this second. Then pops a knuckle painfully and tries with all their might to not shed even a single manly tearā€¦ and fails.


I want my aqiri to sit in my lap. Crushing me to death.

Last one: Priest

Holy Spec: a little glowy angel drifts down for a friendly chat. Priest goes ^.^
Shadow Spec: shadowy little mindflayer guy rises up and whispers in the priestā€™s ear. Priest goes >:)
Discipline: Both appear, one landing on each shoulder, and start arguing with each other. Priest goes >_<


But tigers canā€™t purr.

Neither can rottweilers and yet the rottie rumble is a thing. :wink:

This would be interesting for when we mount. Different demons could do different things, an Imp could ride on your back or shoulder, Voidwalkers could explode into a puff of blue smoke.

I donā€™t know, the animations would have to be snappy and quick to match the mount animation speed, but thereā€™s a lot of potential here.

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Scuza is so good at this love, love love!! :cloud_with_rain:

Is this an extrapolation of the ā€œpushing up daisiesā€ colloquialism?:melting_face:

I like the Priest confessional toy that they have. Where it will have the targeted player emote a random ā€œconfession.ā€

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:point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up:


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I just want a stogie.

Like a John ā€œHannibalā€ Smith stogie.

Like the candy canes from Winter Veil. But a stogie.

The only lean that matters. The 45Ā°.

Itā€™s a precursor, that if you stand in junk on the ground too long, you will indeed be pushing up daisies. :wink:

I straight up just wanna be able to use my pets as mounts.

I support thisā€¦ would be really fun.

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Do we now need to wear a minimum amount of flair to work here?


Iā€™d like to see class specific idle animations.

Mage makes a small ball or w/e their spec is and pops it in their hand.
Warrior cleans or sharpens their weapon.
Paladin reads their libram.
Priest could do a quick prayer.

Itā€™ll never happen though.


Swtor has a smuggler themed set thats the 70s flair done right.

Uh, thatā€™s libram to you, pal.