For some reason he seems to think that wow servers success revolve around how long servers are open. People have shown that’s not what they’re looking for.
Attack away, its not getting you any closer to the truth, although I suspect you aren’t really interested in that. My methodology, if you want to call it that, is based on the observable information available to all of us. I think my interpretation is a heck of a lot better than yours and it would appear the facts back me up.
People have been asking for fresh era servers well before TBCC. They’ve been on this forum asking for them right before SoM1’s and TBCs announcement. They’ve been asking for them right after SoMs launch. (SoM, a set of fresh start somechanges realms died off pretty quick and was one server away from being a total flop btw.) They’ve ramped up the Fresh campaign post TBC/SoM launch and here we are going through the mid point of Wrath Classic and you know the one thing Blizzard hasn’t done?
Open up at least one fresh Classic Era server (they did for Wrath but Wrath aint ‘vanilla’). When you ask yourself why it becomes abundantly clear that its just not in Blizzards interests despite however many players might be interested and we know that player interest is only a fleeting dopamine fix built atop a bunch of personal pet peeves and feels.
They gave you Seasons of Mastery instead - seasonal realms with a twist. When you ask yourself why they would do that as opposed to just opening up fresh servers on an annual or biannual basis you have all the information you need about Fresh Era servers and where Blizzard stands on the matter because they already told you through their actions.
This is what Im basing my stance on. If any of you were correct on anything we would have Fresh Era servers. We don’t. What does that tell you?
You can go the pathetic crybaby troll Lzkx route and shoot the messenger and obsess over discrediting me stalker style if you like but thats not going to get you fresh servers either and its not as if Im trying to prevent you from getting them.
If you’ve followed this from the closing of Nostalrius to where we are today and all thats transpired between then and now and know how to think and connect the dots its all pretty easy to figure out.
How hard is it to understand that fresh is what we want… probably in the form of SoM2. It’s a well documented phenomena that fresh servers draw in a lot of people.
He understands, he is just miserable irl and would prefer people suffer. He claims to have all this evidence and fact yet doesn’t. He is basing everything off of 1 season. Watch as som2 as a season will be much more popular for several reasons. Remember, this is the guy who says premades shouldn’t exist… lol
Let me ask you something corpseknife, when they release som2, and then a literal fresh OG classic after wrath, what then are you going to say to the contrary?
I know you hate me by the way. You are welcome to feel that way. I get under your skin with the truth. And truth is nobody likes you, and you are miserable irl. Get owned by premades, probably are a terrible player, 2 keybinds max, and struggle to keep your server afloat. Also, if anyone knew what server you played on, (and you won’t ever tell) then nobody would ever roll there after observing your henious behavior on the forums. Who the hell would play with you or could even relate to you after all you do is troll every thread telling people what they are supposed to like?
You are probably the single most sour and angry poster who has ever existed on the wow forums, in the history of wows existence
Look everyone, it’s projecting!
You’re actually a close second, funny enough!
The reason you don’t win the gold is because you actually are nice when talking to people who are LF era servers
Why is anyone still responding to Corpseknife? Some of you really seem to enjoy banging your head against a wall.
For entertainment purposes.
It’s pretty obvious he’s a dead horse though.
Dont care about SoM2. Just like I didnt care about SoM1. It was purposefully worked out by Blizzard so it wouldn’t brazenly interfere with existing Era servers. I’m 100% good with it. All of you can go enjoy your fresh start over there, I wish all of you all the best - I mean that.
I don’t even really care about Fresh Era servers - because I don’t think they’re likely - but I might feel compelled to care if Blizzard just released them haphazardly or in a way that screws over existing Era players. But again, that doesn’t seem to be the plan. The plan is to spin yall off onto Seasonal servers. Working as intended. Other than that I wholeheartedly welcome fresh Era servers when the timing is right and makes sense.
Well that’s mere speculation on your part so I really don’t have to answer it do I? I don’t really doubt it though. I’ve already said it would make sense for them to do something along those lines if they are definitively ending the classic train at Wrath and desire to find other ways to keep Classic fans invested.
Whatever the case is they’re not just going to randomly “end” Wrath out of nowhere and open 24 fresh Era realms the next day. There will probably be a passage of time and some kind of thought put into it so the majority of people are contented.
Im not at all worried about that because they assured us before Classics launch that these servers are forever even if there are “tens of people playing on them”. Im set. Furthermore, I have no problem walking away if i’m ever dissatisfied and forgetting this game existed - I did it once already.
You can tell yourself whatever you need too but I would never, ever waste my time hating you or anyone else on this forum. Even if I did, you would have earned it by going out of your way to slander the hell out of me for no good reason at all. You’re just trolling me and when I get trolled I know its because that other individual lost the wrangle and is now trying to compensate - I feel sorry for you more than anything.
Then you get gutless wonders like this who cant even post their petty disdain towards you. They go around you to take their shot because they got no pig iron in them. Cowardly trolls. Just lol, thanks for the W.
Where are your fresh servers Gil? Eh?
So does corpseknife just want to live in phase 7 and pretend he’s king of Azeroth?
Yea. 10char
Why is the fresh crowd so hatable? Lol idk either.
That’s not it at all. Ill be as brief as I can.
“Literally everyone on planet earth wants fresh servers. Fresh servers are the most amazing thing in nature. They make millions upon millions of dollars, cure cancer and are the quickest road to world peace. Fresh starts are, without question, the best and only way to enjoy Classic WoW. People who want fresh servers are noble martyrs and the most selfless of gamers. Everyone else is a loser who needs to learn to play.”
Corpseknife: “Then where are they? Based on everything you said they should be rolling them out on a weekly basis.”
“omfg can you believe this guy? who the hell do you think you are buddy? well let me tell you, youre a blah blah blah blah”
whoa, let’s not say things we can’t take back
That’s why I said probably. Because there are no facts or statistics to back it up.
But I’m a pretty good guesser
I agree with you Corpse. The P H R E S H crowds are like locusts. They descend on a server with great hoopla and then leave a hollowed out husk behind, only to do it all over again with the next P H R E S H.
Watched the dance for years on private servers. Bunch of autistic mental patients with the attention span of a two year old.
Aren’t all the Wrath P H R E S H servers except one empty now?
Wake up and smell the P H R E S H…wait, that’s not P H R E S H, its a rotting corpse.
Its the same game no matter how many times you replay it from the beginning on a new server with a different name. Every time. Their argument states that its massively different experience. Playing Classic is different than playing Classic.
Their argument is, if you’re sick of running Molten Core and killing Rag then start MC over and kill Rag again. Except in their case they need a new server every time they run MC.
it is different every time because you’re playing with different people every time. you realize this is a social game first and foremost, right?
So then play eta with corpseknife. We will play fresh. And we will have fun. All gamers quit when their fun ends. We literally care 0% what you think as anti fresh people probably aren’t fun anyways.
All 4 of you