Can we get Female satyr? Broken? etc and male Shivarra/Harpies etc

Maybe because Satyrs are an inherently sexual creature? Just as succubi and incubi are.

To be fair, a lot of stuff WoW “appropriates” has a near purely sexual origin; Succubi for instance…

This lends credence to the idea that WoW’s lore team doesn’t actually really look at the source material when deciding to design something…

I take it you are referring to me as the Opportunist? Thanks I will take that as a compliment.

I am just fighting against blizzards Sexism.

I could derail the thread about wows “Naughty stuff” and content but I wont :).

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This one really takes some kind of prize.


Fact: Satyrs are essential male mythological creatures from Greek mythology. They’re so completely essentially male that even describing them in any detail would be a violation of the terms of use of the forums.

Fact: The source mythology of Satyrs includes absolutely no reference to a female from the same race of creatures because the idea of a female “essential male spirit” animal is logically flawed to begin with.

Fact: Blizzard has, in the past, introduced a number of almost-the-same-as creatures and created “almost-the-same-as” creature names that would be perfectly acceptable here (Brutosaur, River Beast, etc).

I’ve never made any claim as inaccurate as the one you listed.

I mean, for all we know, it’s simply flaccid, hidden in the fur. Perhaps they’re growers rather than showers.

That being said, WoW seems to enjoy butchering mythology just as much as as Harry Potter did. Calling manticores “wyverns” and such. So have at it. I just find this to be a really strange hill to die on, considering the etymology of the term and its whole reason for being.

Are you okay bro.

Indeed. A warlock who started the boob slapping and a Jesus race comments, the paladin who caught on to saidboob slapping and twisted it into an accusation of this being all about a fetish, and then the hunter who can’t let go of Greek mythology that has nothing to do with this lore and isn’t where WoW Satyrs came from, but loves yelling “APPEAL TO AUTHORITY!”

No… those three genuinely hate the idea.

This is all that matters. :point_up:

slinks away

Entirely different in this universe for Warcraft. Just like they’re different in Rift, too. Just like they’re different in Roman mythology, too.

See how this works?


I’d support this.

Fact: Blizzard Owns warcraft IP and can do whatever they want with it.

Fact: Blizzard can create races that are based on modern mythology even sharing the same names but make their version of said creatures Different. See tv tropes “Our orcs are different”

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For the umpteenth time, “satyr” is a word of Greek origin. If Blizzard didn’t intend for them to be satyrs, they should probably have named them something else.

I am not gonna talk about such things other than just say… What stays in goldshire should probably stay in goldshire.

You repeat yourself one too many times in an effort to make this into some sort of argument.

Relax man go touch some grass. Really get in tune with the saytrs ya know

Don’t take this wrong, but I realized some time back that I’m not going to live forever.

At some point you realize that it’s just choosing which things you don’t want to die from and treating them.

It’s like a game of Whack-a-Mole where the little critters start popping out faster and faster while you get slower and slower over time.

Eventually one of them is gonna get you.


Once you make peace with that, you stop worrying about.

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Says the person that slapped up images of large-breasted ‘satyrs’? Wonder why people thought of that.

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I honestly don’t. Why use the term “satyr” at all if you aren’t interested in the connotations?

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Yeesh, I missed a lot, it seems. Teach me to jump in after more than 400 posts.

It’s been weird.