Can we get Christ Metzen back as lead came dev?

Raiding has always been artificially propped up including today. It was only when other content streams actually became viable as endgame progression paths did you see the natural decline in raiding. People didn’t raid because it was fun and something they genuinely wanted to do…they did it because it was the ONLY relevant thing to do and many still only do it because it has the objectively best gear.

I doubt any credible argument can be made that raid encounters are less engaging and challenging (mechanically) than raids of old…hell modern day dungeon bosses are more mechanically complex than old raids were. Raiding is in decline because it isn’t the only endgame in town anymore and it would decline even more if wasn’t given the advantages it still has (however small or not they end up amounting to).

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Before Cosby’s lawsuits, he was lauded by the entire country. This is a claim you think I need to “prove?”

Cosby VERY DISTINCTLY exists in two forms: Before he was exposed, and after.

The Blizzard stuff was in the “before” stage.

You want to make coincidence equal causation. That’s not how it works.

I read 2-3 articles a few mins ago and from what I read, their plan was (in short) to “get girls drunk and have sex with them.” I don’t know where you live, but that happens EVERY WEEKEND, EVERYWHERE IN AMERICA AND THE WORLD OVER.

It had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with Cosby. Not in the sense he DRUGGED them.

Yes-- alcohol is a drug. But not like “roofies” (lol I can’t post the ACTUAL medical name for them). cmon… be serious.

“Cmon baby, let’s party.” Is not the same flipping thing as “what’s that over there!!! +slips a drug into her drink+ Oh… nevermind.”

That’s what’s being equated here. Those two are NOT the same.

They both raked people though so it’s similar

As was said, Blizzard is NOT “the entertainment industry” in THIS SENSE. They’re not HOLLYWOOD.

No one knew about this. That’s why it was such a HUGE story. Everyone else looked up to him.

chris metzen has his own tabletop production



Try to read up above

Sure wasn’t.

You want to make claims of complete innocence.

I don’t live in America, and where I’m from - no. Drunk = unable to really consent. If you’re unaware, being drunk has similar affects to a lot of drugs especially depending on how far you get.

Should prob read everything in the articles and suites filed against them - wonder why they all got yeeted.

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WoW has always had minmaxing in some portion of the game… it just used to be that it was the tiny single digit percentage of bleeding edge guilds, like those who were doing Naxx back in Vanilla. What’s changed is the game’s willingness to let players stick to lower difficulty content.

Back then there was a sharp divide — you had the guilds doing Naxx, a larger but still small group who were farming BWL and working on AQ40, and then the majority that were farming MC, ZG, AQ20, and Ony while working on BWL. An even larger group didn’t raid at all and only did dungeons.

TBC was still pretty keen on this divide but in WotLK the game started applying pressure for players to move out of dungeons and not only just into raiding, but current tier raiding via catchups. Everything became about trying to bump active player count for current content up as high as possible.

Since then, the focal point has shifted away from raids to M+, but that upward pressure is still there. You can hang back, but it’s hard to be satisfied with that decision because the game clearly isn’t made for it, and you’ll be one of the oddballs for not getting with the program.

Most of you seem to forget the majority of the wow player base has always been sweatlords and always will be you guys on the forums crack me up. You act like back in the early days wow wasn’t some sweatlords game lol. It always has been and always will be I guess you forget all the leaderboards and tracking and keeping up with the server firsts world firsts in the old days get outta here. Blizz turned this game into what the majority of the community wanted a sweatlords game it’s not their fault the players couldn’t handle it or grew up got burnt and quit.

Yeah, and simply “asking girls to party” isn’t the same as DRUGGING them with pills.

There’s still plenty of room to be a jerk in the “hey let’s party” situation. But it’s totally different than also putting pills in their drink.

They all got yeeted because there were plenty of OTHER examples beyond this one. But this one… from what I’ve read, was totally overblown because of nothing more than coincidence.

Bleeding edge vanilla endgame was super sweaty, but that’s the thing, bleeding edge constituted very small portion of the active playerbase. The majority of raiders were still goofing around in MC/BWL/ZG even into the Vanilla’s later patches, and plenty more only ever stepped foot into 5-man dungeons precisely because raiding was too sweaty. The whole point of the tier 0.5 questline was to give that huge chunk of players something more to do.


Greg Street and Jeff A Hamilton as lead systems designer (guy behind azerite armor, domination gear).

That game is dead on arrival.


a wild star?

Metzen wasn’t lead dev.

he was the lead franchise development dude. the guy who oversees franchise development ie lore for wow

SVP of Story and Franchise Dev at Blizzard

Still not lead dev for the game. Story guys didn’t even work in the main studio back then.

he literally designed what wow continents are

kalimdor and eastern kingdoms

I support bringing back Chris Metzen because he liked my tweet saying that Anduin and Wrathion should get married


Nah, Metzen was definitely in charge of the lore from some point in WCII’s development onward if I recall. By WCIII and WoW he was fully in charge of story/lore.

Yep, if you read The WoW Diary, the devs give anecdotes of him drawing Azeroth on a wall in the office.

this was a good one

Cool, he was a writer and voice actor. Not the lead dev.