Can we get blue eyes for blood elves?

blood elves arent high elves right? so why does it matter what blood elves get :roll_eyes:

but ill say it again, the sunwell bombards all high elves 24/7 with arcane/holy energies. hoping we get at least blue, gold, and green in shadowlands


<-----playing a zombie with exposed bones and doesn’t give a hoot about people who play barbie dolls with pointed ears.

Though I suppose a related question could be “Well how would you feel if they gave Alliance light-forged undead then?” Me? Wouldn’t care. I have my dark edgy undead to play with already. If Alliance get a flavor of undead it’ll be let’s hold hands and sing kumbaya around the fire carebear undead.

3 days later.

A. There is still more difference between light forged undead and the Forsaken.
B. That’s not what this thread is about.
C. This wasn’t a response to the post you hit reply to.

D. Then why are you even bringing it up?

So if you’re so opposed to people who “don’t want to share” why are you posting against blue eyes for blood elves? If everyone should have everything they want what’s the issue?


I don’t know…maybe because the thread is about it? And I brought up the example of light undead being (in theory) given to Alliance as a basis for a more personal comparison. Since I don’t have a bone in the blood elf/high elf/void elf fight I don’t care either way. I just find it amusing that people are still arguing so vigorously both yay or nay on the subject.

And cute sneer on the 3 days later remark. Some of us work full time to keep lights on in the house so we don’t have time to hunker over a computer keyboard 24/7 and slavishly wait for someone to get miffy over what opinion we dared express on the forum for a video game we occasionally play.

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I’m not posting against giving blood elves blue eyes. Give them blue eyes if they want them so badly. Heck give them purple and hazel eyes if that’s what they want. I’m just annoyed at both camps treating the other like they’re utter monsters and part of me wishes they’d both get bones thrown at them to end the issue once and for all so we can focus on what really matters…complaining about the shoddy writing and character plot armor.

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im hoping for purple as well with this update


The reality is there are bad actors all around everywhere. No one group of people have a monopoly on being jerks.

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The only monster here…is you…zombie woman!

You’re a death knight; you’re just as undead as I am X.x;; And I don’t have a compulsion to inflict physical pain or else feel it myself like you do.

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Its a pretty safe bet that blood elves will get blue eye customization. Out of ALL the customizations they can give, and all the new eye colors, they’d actually have to purposely avoid anything that is even a hint of blue…and its a rather common color.

In any case. Vastly more likely for blue eye blood elves than high elves.


That only applied back when Arthas controlled them iirc.
I eat meat tar tar

Acting like this is an equal footing debate just because of the absolute horrible philosophy of respecting all opinions is a mistake. Horde has the main right to the Thalassian model and there will never be two on the Alliance over the Horde’s one. If you really really think about that, you realize why the high elf thing is ridiculous.

It’s getting our race once, and asking for it again. It’s stealing it twice.


Technically the only ones who ‘own’ the models is Blizzard. We the players pay a monthly fee to play with their toys in their digital theme park, and we can (and do most of the time) complain when they do something we don’t like (personally my biggest gripe this expansion has been turning my character’s racial leader and once favorite lore character into a paper-thin Saturday morning cartoon villain mockery of what she once was), but at the end of the day it isn’t our choice or right to say what they do with their property.

Frankly when it comes to allied races LF Draenei (paler Draenei with a few new horns and golden eyes) and HM Tauren (tauren…but with moose horns, so different and original! >_> ) were wastes of a slot…they should’ve just been customization options for regular draenei/tauren (maybe needing a quest chain unlock like the black eyes for night warrior night elves). That time and those resources could’ve been spent in making Nightborne actually LOOK like NPC Nightborne instead of the slapped-together efforts we got.

And void elves frankly shouldn’t even exist. They were created purely to throw a bone to Alliance players demanding the blood elf model, with a stupid ‘lore’ justification that’s just plain silly. If they were going to cave and give the model, zero changes shape or animation-wise (some new hairstyles and facial hair options aside)…I’d have rather they just gave them normal high elves. At least they wouldn’t have needed to make up a ‘here’s a previously unknown group of blood elves who were exiled for wanting to research the void’ story, and even if there’s less than a hundred Alliance-loyal high elves left (the previous main obstacle to making that faction of high elves playable), that’s still a heck of a lot more than the…what? Dozen or so blood elves that were probably Umbric’s followers?

At least then we wouldn’t have been stuck with blue/purple, even MORE emo/edgy elves >_>;

Still at least I’ll be able to get a decent hairstyle and hide my bones next expansion, so who cares about elves? (note I realize many people DO care about elves, hence the torrential whining. I’ll just be in my corner playing with my zombies.)

If you want to play blue eyes high elves the Alliance is over there, waiting for you.

How many times are people going to say this in this thread. LOL

Just popping in to say that i would love blue eyes for my Blood Elf Mage, Rarity. :slight_smile:


im not happy we traded elf models. but at least void elves are distinct from blood elves and a ‘stupid lore justification’ was required to give the alliance anything playable similar to a blood elf. the theme and fantasy of being a high elf(which is what the blood elves are), and which even ion acknowledged on behalf of the development team belongs to the horde, that is the real sticking point for me. blood elves are high elves and the sunwell is arcane/holy, the potential for magister types manifesting blue eyes reflecting a strong devotion to the arcane is there


No. The Sunwell is a font of Holy Light with arcane residues from its former incarnation

So no