Can we get Black blood elves in TBC

I wouldn’t know, never seen Horde-side WrA personally. I just know Alliance-side WrA RP is a joke (oh look another Stormwind Guard military guild…), I always stuck to Moon Guard and Emerald Dream

thinking too large scale. no, it wouldn’t take a tremendous amount of effort to add one new skin tone but it’s still not as simple as copy/pasting from retail or dragging the meshes into paint and using the fill tool. that’s time I’d rather be spent on squashing bugs and ensuring the game itself functions properly

maybe come back to the idea in the middle of TBC when there’s downtime between major development

nope ya just turn down the gamma, up the contrast a bit, maybe saturate a bit also. tadaah, save file as…happybrownelf.png

I know.

You do realize classic is using the retail base… it isn’t classic from 2007 but just heavily modified version of retail.

Yes? What does that have to do with anything? The Classic character models are still different models from Retail

No. If blacks want representation in TBC they can already play Orcs.


That means to even get these models, they had to add them in… meaning the tools are already there :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

I feel like you’re intentionally missing my point (again) just because addressing it directly is too difficult

Just go back to calling me a racist for completely nonsensical reasons, at least then your clown emojis would make sense

I’d rather they actually do it right than just copy/paste the hideous retail models into classic. But I get it, the art team is much too busy creating the new warp stalker mount to care about this.

They already have it, humans have many shades available. I’ve never heard my black American buddy’s who I’ve played with since 2006 complain about representation. Smh. Just white liberals virtue signaling


fixed it for ya

Everyone knows who I’m talking about, liberal is basically political slang for the left.

i’m not left or right. also not virtue signaling. just being a peacemaker and attempting to be reasonable.

What’s wrong with leaving things how they are? Changing it is forcing something on those who want to appreciate their favorite version of the game for what it was. Or atleast as close to it as we are gonna get.

If we give everyone in this forum screeching for what they want, we end up with retail. The point is to play TBC, not retail. If you want black elves, you have them in retail already.

i dont have a problem with that route either. just saying, if people are requesting it, its not an unreasonable request. now me, personally, i would like a transmog toggle, barbershop and hairstyles/haircolor retail options, scaled down graphically so they match the older graphics style from tbc. see how much more reasonable just wanting some skin color options are? lol

What’s the point in all that? You already have it in retail. The point of classic was to escape all that watered down “I’m unique and special” stuff. Get back to the gritty roots.

could still be gritty with more options. i’m just saying, i dont think asking for skin color options for the human skin color races that dont have darker options, is unreasonable. what i want is alot more unreasonable, and likely why it’ll never happen. haha

Ya’ll can have ur black blood elves if I get wraith style dungeon finder, and no daily instance limit, and also, a removal of the proposed arena rating req to use the arena gear.