Half the game is missing (PvP). I understand people will whine and complain about the idea of participating in BGs with HC characters and not losing a character to a death, but seriously just allow us to queue BGs. PvP is fun and I think there is a large population that likes HC for PvE but really misses PvP/Ranking etc.
If it’s not “hardcore” enough for others they don’t have to participate.
It’s a valid point, but there would have to be a warning with multiple-acknowledgements, and even then you would probably see a lot of people complaining that they didn’t read it, or didn’t understand that it meant the death in a BG was still a death.
While it would prevent Shamans vs Paladins, I think a PvP Hardcore battleground should be modified to be “in-faction fighting”. Since a “sparring match” would not make sense with Horde vs Alliance.
But Horde vs Horde “practice dueling/training” or vice versa with Alliance vs Alliance feels justified lore wise. It also makes hardcore server a bit more different then regular classic.
I think you are missing what I’m saying. The death wouldn’t kill the character.
But like Janilia mentioned, they can call it whatever they want. Make us “not die” with some other mechanic, or or put us in a fenced off losers area with 1hp if we were to die etc. Don’t care. I just wanna queue some wsg. I don’t think anyone would really care if BGs remain as they are now and we just don’t die as long as we are queued in one.
Oh I see. I mean, I suppose the developers could spend time, effort, resources, etc. making something for the HC version of the game to appease this sort of request (you certainly aren’t the first to ask for it).
But you could also just play on one of the many non HC realms whenever you want to PVP. Or just don’t play HC. Other games that I’ve played that have both HC versions and PVP don’t suddenly stop being HC if you choose to PVP, so that’s where my vote would lean for BGs, but I understand where you’re coming from. I just wouldn’t expect it to happen, and while for sure I think some people would like it, it doesn’t seem obvious that it would have any ROI for the game developers.
There’s also the problem, of course, of the potential to use non-HC gameplay for gearing…
I don’t see how gearing is a problem. People walk into raids with R14 gear in non-HC servers too. I really don’t see anyone complaining that actually raids. Like it’s just artificial gate keeping. People have always PvE’d for pvp gear and vice versa. It can happen in HC too.
And the more I think about it, the more I think this would be really good for classic WoW. It would be a blast. Tons of people would be queueing for honor or gear or whatever. The economy would correct to be more normal too. Certain items would be valuable (like FAPS and Fadeleaf, Iron Grenades, etc).
That’s a very interesting statement. It’s considered problematic in this case, because you can die in battlegrounds with no penalty, so it’s risk free gearing in supposedly hardcore.
I do think you should be able to queue BGs on Hardcore servers, but that shouldn’t change any of the rules of dying on a hardcore character meaning your character dies a hardcore death.
Seriously who cares?? The benefits far outweigh any negative effects. What % of HC players even make it into MC? I’d estimate less than 0.5%. What portion of those players would be upset about honor gear in raids? Probably very few. In fact most would probably appreciate having access to better gear like Non-HC players.
So I get the argument. It’s an easy one to make. But it’s mostly an argument for the sake of arguments. This game is 20 years old. It’s ok that we don’t gatekeep the raids. And it’s not even really gatekeeping raids - it’s just “gatekeeping” hardcore cause people can get some gear without risk of losing their character. So what? Seriously, so what. If they want to live in BGs for months on end and do nothing else, let them. I’m happy for them. Right now a huge portion of WoW is off limits to HC players, and it would be nice to be able to participate in PvP.
Why? Like I seriously don’t understand ideas like this. People want to queue BGs not some silly different version. It’s like you’re trying to solve a nonexistent problem. (Also you literally described arena)
Unfortunately this would force a PvP grind meta for items, which would have to be done every time your character dies in PvE content. I don’t want this.
I thought about this. My idea was that whoever dies in BG can not release and lay there watching the bg unfold. I guess whoever is standing last would be the winner. We do not lose our characters, they just can’t release until the bg is over.
As I posted in another thread throwing out random HC ideas I think this one actually has merit. The way to implement this is somewhat along the following:
No rewards, it’s just for fun. Ranked PvP System and BG rewards have been unobtainable since HC conception so there’s no reason to suddenly create that issue.
a) Potentially could do cosmetic rewards, like just the ranks, but I am worried that would heavily promote premades and kill the casual experience, although you could also just disable premade queueing.
“Dying” in BGs occurs at 1hp and you are instead sent to the medic tent to be bandaged.
a) Potentially create limits to deaths per team or per character so that BGs end up being a battle of attrition.
Congratz, you have BG PvP implemented in a HC-esque way. There are no benefits to doing it and no true deaths; it’s strictly for fun. There’s really no negative impact to the gameplay loop besides upsetting some people that other people can participate in a form of content traditionally paired with repeated deaths, but if you ask me I don’t think that’s a very good reason.
You could also create death match versions of the BG, which may be a bit fun to play with in low level brackets where the time investment to get geared up is a lot less intensive and people could play repeatedly in attempts to get their characters through as many rounds as they can.
The only issue is I think people will not focus on the BG objectives because if you focus on wiping out your enemy team you will win by default. It may be better to create an arena type concept using the BGs as the fighting grounds.