Can we get Atiesh 2.0 as the Legendary for TTW?

Blizzard has a golden opportunity to bring back Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian
In the cinematic shown after completing the first quest of the expansion, we see Xal’atath breaks Atiesh into two pieces during the intro storyline. What if we had the chance to gather these fragments and repair the staff? A questline could send players on an epic journey to reclaim it once more. Not only interms of if being broken in the story but due to blizzard removing the origonal version of the staffs quest from the game during cataclysm. Making it so no new players can obtain the old version of the staff.
With this quest players will now be able to do a new quest but also get new updated modle of the staff to use in game.

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only if they make it for mages only and we get to use it to turn into a storm crow as a flight form.


It wouldnt make sense for anyone besides mages to use it

Warlocks should be able to use it too, after all Locks are just Mages that decided to stop sucking.

But I’m pretty sure Mages and Warlocks aren’t allowed to have nice things. It’ll probably be another melee weapon.

It’d be for anyone that can use a staff.

Realistically Warlock (I think) has the least amount of legendary weapons, so to make things fair it should be a Warlock exclusive.

In vanilla like 6 classes could use it. (sorry 4)


I know that, and you know that… but when people hear legendary staff, they think Tarecgosa which was “spellcasters” that my druid only got on a technicality for having Balance and Resto :rofl: Just wanted to put an early end to “Well I RP as a mage” LOL

Largely against a legendary only a few can use.

That’s the “Mage ONLY” version, but other classes had their own version as well. Again, anyone who could use a staff basically got one.

You had me at nostalgia. :dracthyr_nod:

Then we should find their versions and give them to those classes. :blue_heart:

Atiesh was used by a guardian, who happened to use mage spells, some necromantic magic and Fel or Warlock magic. Seems fitting that of all classes that Warlocks would get it, especially considering the Warlocks history with Karazhan and Deadwind Pass.


As long as my class isn’t eligible for the legendary, that’s perfectly fine.

I don’t play any casters so, sure, if blizzard wants to make atiesh as a legendary for casters, ok.

I just never ever want to deal with the legendary acquisition in wow again.

If blizzard does implement a legendary that is available for my class, I will be rerolling and not playing that class until the legendary is obsolete.

You do realise that atiesh in vanilla had different spell effects for different classes right?




Did you actually link the mage version of atiesh thinking that only mages could wield atiesh in vanilla?

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Doesn’t necessarily have to be Atiesh, but something for casters would be nice after the overabundance of Bows/2h strength swords we’ve had.

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Yeah, and I know the only one currently known is the one Khadgar had. But, if they want to dredge up the others, that’s their concern. But there is probably a reason why the Mage version is the only one still active in the Lore. Especially since the line ended with Medivh.

I linked you all the different atiesh versions for warlock druid and priest in my post above.

No further dredging is necessary.

Like I said, I offered my opinion and they can do as they please. If there were other caster versions still in the lore, I imagine a great Druid, Priest, and Warlock are still holding theirs. I just haven’t heard of any, other than Khadgar. Thanks for the links.

Do you really think blizzard is going to make a new atiesh and give it to only mages when the original atiesh was available to all casters at the time?

If atiesh comes back, the available class/specs will be as follows:

Resto shaman, ele shaman, all priests, evoker, warlock, mage, mist weaver monk, balance druid, resto druid (maybe even guardian druid given that the original atiesh had increased attack power in dire bear form).

The amazing thing is that I don’t play any of these classes or specs so I need not worry about dealing with the legendary acquisition of modern wow.

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Hard to say. They are known for some questionable decisions when it comes to game design. Then again, no Death Knight has Frostmourne since Legion used it to create the Twin Blades of the Prince. I mean, I also don’t see any DKs toting Kingsmourne either. Again, just all fan opinion and speculation.

Actually every death knight in-game has frostmourne since they get it from doing their frost artifact questline.