Can we get Atiesh 2.0 as the Legendary for TTW?

It’s definitely been a while since casters in general have had a legendary, at least one that not everyone got, so I’m discounting stuff like legion weapons, rings/cloaks/etc.

Atiesh was also one of the shortest lived legendaries in the game I believe because of the TBC timeline and Naxx was removed so you couldn’t even go back to farm it. We did get Tarec’gosa back in Cata, but that’s really it as far as most caster dps were concerned. So would I love a new caster legendary? Sure.

However, monks have never had a legendary item that everyone else didn’t also have access to. Even evokers got their own legendary the first expansion they showed up in. I’d be down to see an agi polearm for brewmaster/windwalker monks, feral/guardian druids, and survival hunters. Enhance doesn’t use 2h weapons, so I don’t think it would work for them. It could be fist weapons or something instead, but then rogues would be on the table and they’ve had access to several already. Maybe there’s some work around for that.

I literally don’t care about your opinion or what’s on your mind. You had a bad take. The staff was NEVER intended to be a mage only staff.

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I’d probably appreciate your opinion more if it weren’t so incredibly wrong, and if you didn’t ignore the fact that four classes got an Atiesh.

Also that Medivh used Fel and Necromancy.

Other than that, I mean your entire point being moot, sure your point is fine.

We do? When was that?

Have a nice day.

No, It will be like the old one and is for all casters. I do like the crow flight form idea though.

thats what makes them legendary

And it’s what makes people unhappy their class is nerfed until they get the legendary

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Incorrect. the atiesh questline was for Warlock,mage,druid and priests and was usable for all of these classes. The icon you are seeing is because that is the version tuned for mages, there are differing versions with unique effects for all your party members depending on which class version you were. Furthermore, in lore Medivh inevitably became a warlock. As a matter of fact one of the first references to medivh in the OG warcraft RTS game describes him as a warlock, because that is what he became.


Yeah, we established that a week ago. Welcome to the thread.

No problem. I’m glad I could educate you :kissing_closed_eyes:


This person corrected it about 4 mins after I mis-spoke. Only thing you did was read the thread, get the answer, and then chime in to ONLY me instead of agreeing with the 5 people who had the right answer.

Incorrect. You then proceeded to double down. So I had to make sure you were properly educated. I now see what happened. You knew you were wrong but your ego prevented you from admitting that. I am glad I pointed this out in advance since that is the case :smiley:

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Hmmm… low post count. Coming for my neck. Lemme guess? One of the dips I put on ignore, forcing me to listen to more trolling. Problem solved.

Sorry, but I don’t even know who you are. I’m guessing from your post you have a habit of making stupid posts and then getting mad that people point out they are stupid? There is a way to fix that! It’s called being more intelligent!

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And yet druids, warlocks and priests could use it back in vanilla.

Honestly there are a few legendary weapons that don’t really make sense why someone of X class would use it. Shadowmourne for example. Why would a paladin or a warrior use a legendary that is so heavily DK themed? Hell it is basically a mourneblade that we made.

Yep, like with Fyr’alath the Dreamrender for Blood DKs…


More like snorkeling around the Dalaran crash sight and just collecting the pieces

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Quite Gnome, Grown folks are talking .