Seems like a version of corgi goggles could do the trick for quite a few different phobia. A toy that you can apply that turns all mobs into oozes or something. You could click it before entering a spidery area.
i hope not. I have a fear of soy.
Where some areas have so many spiders it looks like it snowed.
I have arachnophobia myself. I have to have someone kill the spiders or take them outside for me. You know what I did. Told myself “IT’S JUST A GAME. THEY AREN’T REAL.” Should try it some time. They won’t cater to people with fears sorry. Just gotta deal with it. If you can’t handle it the you should find another game without them in it.
I also have a fear of heights. You don’t see me complaining and demanding blizz to stop making zones with mountains, etc. As again I always tell myself in certain situations that it’s “just a game. Not reality” so my fear doesn’t over come me with a game that has that stuff. Heck if I hated it so much I would just avoid those games.
Phobias can be overcome by exposure. Might I suggest a box of Brown recluse, Black Widows, Wolf Spider and huntsman and climb in? You could film it and put it on YouTube.
I have lesser Arachnophobia, and I’ve gotten used to it. I freak out and start crying when I see a nearby spider, no matter how tiny, but I’ve managed to get throw my fears in WoW cause they are not real.
You’ll survive.
Do not put in some of these spiders, they are poisonous. But other than that, this may work, just be sure to get harmless spiders.
What’s so terrifying about spiders? All those eyes too keep their undaunted gaze and attention upon you, and either adorable little arms for all the hugs you need. As well, make the worlds best blankets.
Spiders > clowns
But yes, exposure therapy works for many issues including trauma responses. I do not have any phobias per se but I do suffer from trauma. They are treated quite similarly.
Confirmed, first new zone in major content patch
“Isle of clowns and spiders”
So, we’re going to the magical unicorn fantasy realm like in Diablo 3?
Haha you got me. In my brain some how a poisonous spider isn’t any different than a venomous spider…
Poisonous spiders are tiny little rogues
What an edgelord it must take to make fun of someone with a psychological disorder. Someday I hope to have such a strong and respectful personality as these fine contributors.
While we’re at it. Schizophrenics. Am I right? Just snap out of it ya dumdums. Look at me. I don’t have that problem. Therefore you shouldn’t either.
Where are you so I can throw my jar of spiders toy at you.
I think you should just avoid the zone. Can’t cater to everyone. At least they give people with motion sickness some options.
Hey we got bowls of fruit in the game so we can do more!
“Two Years Later”
The accepted treatment for arachnophobia is facing your fear. Instead of having a spider placed on your lap or shoulder, here you get to see them up close with no touching required. Now get back in the game and enjoy your free therapy sessions.
Hey, I didn’t spend 2 million gold for you to not be able to see my gorgeous widow mount.