Can we get any updates on whats going on?

I mean it’s a Blizzard forum, one would assume you enjoy their products in some way to post here.

And I don’t get why you’re being so hostile, just be quiet and wait it’s not a big deal.

You could just keep scrolling if you don’t like it. You’re whining about others complaining. Bye, now.

We should have had one yesterday to be fair. We should have one sometime in the last 2 weeks to be more fair.

Communication is not hard.


How am I whining when that’s all you’ve done this thread?

It’s a 50% boost just go level up bro, it’s not gonna make a diff wether you have it or not and before you know it they’ll drop the patch.

I just fail to see why this is such a big deal to people.

The XP Buff and the fresh servers ar enot in any way dependent on the Beta. Prepatch is only dependent on talents, professions, and a minor set of event. A lot could be done without a completed beta.

Yet, all we are asking for is…a little constant communication.


Just ignore the troll. It was obvious when he said he thinks Blizz’s communication is fine.


Beta determines release of WoTLK which coincides with the Pre-patch which the buff was designed to be packaged with as a way to get players back into the game after TBCC burnout.

If Beta is delayed and unfinished then naturally it will take them time to get every thing else out.

I get that you what communication but I’d rather then fix it than have to reply to forum people hourly giving updates lol, just be patient.

i was thinkin september buuut imma say november now.



The buff was to be implemented before the prepatch and could be released now without any negative impact on the Beta.


They clearly stated it was all on a singular time line, if one gets delayed so does the rest.

The XP buff is supposed to come 2 weeks before prepatch right? It doesn’t sound like it’s actually tied to it, but their plans were to have them coincide just the same.

If only they paid people to do things like manage the community, they could give updates on behalf of the devs. Insane idea.

No, lol. 6-8 weeks is what they said.

Maybe you can try to put in a Customer support ticket and ask them to add in that job, would be more productive then what you’re doing now.

Yeah you’re right they did say 6-8 weeks but it’s still tied to the launch of wotlk. So we’re still waiting on wotlk to be ready either way.

There is no reason the buff needs to be tied to Wrath launch. Having the buff for longer because Wrath is delayed would not be a problem in the slightest. Just say something, ffs.

When did they say that any of those were dependent on the other?


Reeeeeelax people. Jeezus.

The only thing the buff needs to be tied to is the boosting nerfs. I mean it doesn’t, but boosters would have a field day with it and it would kind of defeat the purpose.

As far as communication Blizzard is in a rough spot. They can either give exact dates and people will unsub till the new buff/content/etc lands losing them money. Not even mentioning the other problems with exact dates, missed goals, and sense of entitlement that come with them. Or they can string folks along with “soon” and scrape the pockets of their subscribers while they continue to erode good will. Second option seems to be their play for years so I doubt that’s changing.

It’s literally all tied into Northrend/Pre-Patch/Expansion, if one is delayed so is the rest.

it was said by Brian on Twitter as well:

The timing is tricky for lots of reasons.
In short, dates are related to one another, and we don’t want to announce any until we’re pretty darn sure they won’t change.
We want to share the plan as soon as we can.
We’re working on it.
We know people want to book time off.”